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  1. H

    Blue Coin suggestion.

    This won't happen. Tactical Advantage and strategems were created to help blue coin in the first place (they didn't exist in beta). If you are losing on blue with your strategem it means you are not commiting as much to the first 3 turns as your opponent is.
  2. H

    Skellige is still ridiculously strong

    There's nothing wrong with SK being strong, instead of nerfing them, other factions should power up to their level. And this has been the case, we have seen patch after patch that each faction has been getting love and attention to increase their power level, now to the point where ST is in a...
  3. H

    After Cyberpunk I hope CDPR reconsiders their push towards open world games...

    I actually feel the exact opposite of this post. The highlights of CP2077 so far are the story and characters, as well as the world they built. The game is only suffering from a buggy launch, which will be fixed with time. Open worlds can tell amazing stories so your argument falls flat. Just...
  4. H

    What do you think is gonna be first to get a hotfix?

    Most of the time this card plays for a 10 for 6 which is in line with a greatsword, and sometimes fallen knight last patch found way further value. couple that fact with the fact that you need to set up the top deck a turn before, and opponent has a chance to counter for a turn (unless you use...
  5. H

    Scenario's, heatwave, echo cards and devotion should be top priority next patch

    Hi everyone so I'll just get right to the point of the post. disclaimer: I am not a dev so I don't know how to properly balance a competitive card game. But I do want to open a discussion about the current ladder and pro rank state, and how consistently high the playrate is of one neutral card...
  6. H

    (Appreciation Post) Gems and Scenarios have added so much flavor to Gwent.

    When Crimson Curse introduced Vitality and Bleeding I was amazed that even after launch the team can come up with a brand new element that added to the complexity of the game. Now with the release of MOO I am once again blown away by the new additions: Strategems and Scenarios. I am just going...
  7. H

    Whenever you discard a card damage the tallest enemy unit by 1

    Simple change: Whenever you discard a card damage the tallest enemy unit by 1. The RNG of damaging a random enemy leads to some very fortunate lucky plays for Bran players where they randomly ping the exact unit that needs to be dealt with. It just feels awful when it happens to you.
  8. H

    Hotfix is out!

    Fix the blurry premiums please.
  9. H

    GWENT coming to smartphones

    Will we be able to link our GoG PC accounts?
  10. H

    How does Count Caldwell work?

    "Every allied turn, on turn end, move to the row with the highest unit on the battlefield." "Caldwell counts himself as highest unit." "If Caldwell is tied with highest unit, there is a 50/50 chance for Caldwell to flip, on turn end." If this is the case then why is it that if an opponent...
  11. H

    Add the Places of Power from the Witcher 3 to Gwent

    I'm no dev so I don't have an idea what would be balanced for their abilities, but I think it would be cool if the places of power from the witcher 3 made it into gwent. They could possibly be artifacts, neutral of course. Most of the card pool is comprised of characters or items from The...
  12. H

    Thrive and Gernichora are over tuned

    Most BRONZE units have synergistic game play, with abilities that compliment one another, and make the cards stronger if conditions are taken advantage of. All factions have multiple key word archetypes. There is thrive, bloodthirst, deathwish, boost, etc. On paper the addition of thrive to the...
  13. H

    Changing Eredin

    The wild hunt archetype for monsters is seriously lacking in comparison to its beta counterpart. And I did not think there was an issue with Eredin's old ability to spawn and play a wild hunt unit. I truly believe it would be good for the game if his old ability returned. It would strengthen a...
  14. H

    Cards Like Isbel Need a Truce Tag

    Truce was removed from Homecoming for some reason and without it this card can allow for easy card advantage after opponent passes in round three. Two extra cards if using Emhyr. This seems exploitative because the card is supposed to give both players a playable card, but because of the pass...
  15. H

    [Suggestion] Choose Your Own Soundtrack

    In arena Gaunter's theme is played, and in casual and ranked play there is the one theme played. I think it would be nice if there would be the option to select different themes from The Witcher series to play during the match. (Spikeroog, The fields of Ard Skellig, Ladies of the woods etc.)
  16. H

    Always Look on the Bright Side of Life

    Here is what I personally think about HC coming from a guy with 1000 hrs whose been playing Gwent since The Witcher 3 HC Pros: -2 rows & the introduction to the mechanic reach. -Bringing back cards needing to be on specific rows for their ability to work. -Reward Book -UI and Board design...
  17. H

    Farseer / Milva [bug]

    I think once immune units hit grave they lose immunity despite Resurrection.
  18. H

    Card Suggestions and Tweaks for Homecoming

    Not really a suggestion but more a question: will we see more bronzes added to HC in the future that bring back old or add new archetypes? (ie. Vampires moonlight). I feel like right now there aren't enough bronzes and we are kinda restricted. Sorry if this is wrong place for question but the...
  19. H

    Reveal needs complete overhaul

    just had a match up that went like this: triss reveal tibor to kill my engine xarthisius reveal tibor 17pts yen reveal tibor 16pts emhyr replay yen 16pts no word of a lie he did this back to back in round 3. How do you counter this. How is this tempo ok? reveal is busted.
  20. H

    Ladder ruined already by Artifact abuse netdeckers

    I am curious when or if CDPR will even address artifact abuse because I have consistently been facing Ethine, Woodland, Francesca decks that are playing 5+ artifacts in round 3 with scorch, epidemic, predatory dive, thunder, lock- no units played at all until the second to last or last card...
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