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  1. itsmeaagain

    Ciri's Gameplay on The Witcher 3

    I also loved to see Female Witchers on Witcher 4, there's something interesting about them, also I love the fact that Ciri had a different approach of combat due to her Time and Space powers and only had 1 sword to fight the enemies. I love Ciri, she's damn amazing. 1724349890 Very...
  2. itsmeaagain

    Ciri's Gameplay on The Witcher 3

    Yeah, some sequences were made to just really convey the story but in general I loved her gameplay even though I fully agree with you that if they made Witcher 4 with Ciri as a protagonist, they had to make sure that it had to be related with her bloodline or link to an element to make it...
  3. itsmeaagain

    Ciri's Gameplay on The Witcher 3

    Hello guys, I was wondering what you felt about gameplay of Ciri in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. I love playing with her and I feel that is very satisfying to let her dash and unleashing the slow motion "time and space" attack that she does, it is absolutely insane visually and peak gameplay. I...
  4. itsmeaagain

    What do you desire for the first expansion (not DLC) ? Make a list

    Definitely more characters that will bring life to the main story line, also playing in some areas that we weren't allowed to but were shown previously such as 'The Casino' and other providing us more in-depth about the origins and how are they related to Night City. Would love to continue...
  5. itsmeaagain

    DLC Ideas

    For the DLC'S, I would like to explore more of Jackie's side, like playing as him after his death, the lore behind Welles' and the Valentinos' gang. I loved the quest where you get an offrenda for him, it was amazing story-wise as well as for the characters, it was amazing to see the...
  6. itsmeaagain

    Mods in Cyberpunk 2077?

    If I'm not mistaken, I think I saw CDPR said that in-release they weren't be supporting mods but that after, they'll probably add support to mods as they did with the Wticher 3.
  7. itsmeaagain

    Cyberpunk 2077: The Perfect RPG

    So as I said: They revolutionize the industry, making other companies adopt the same strategies as CDPR.
  8. itsmeaagain

    Should you be able to buy property in CP77?

    I believe they told us that we could buy a property or even steal one, not sure tho.
  9. itsmeaagain

    Cyberpunk 2077: The Perfect RPG

    They only see games as a source of money and not as a consumer view as well and that's why that companies get many players out of their games, because they don't do games because they like but because they want money.
  10. itsmeaagain

    Cyberpunk 2077: The Perfect RPG

    Precisely what I meant, we can distinguish CDPR from the other studios for their quality.
  11. itsmeaagain

    Cyberpunk 2077: The Perfect RPG

    Having no micro-transactions of course is awesome but I still think that they revolutionize the industry but no one is obliged to have the same opinion as me.
  12. itsmeaagain

    Cyberpunk 2077: The Perfect RPG

    They did, they brought us a new whole way of playing RPG's, in my opinion.
  13. itsmeaagain

    Cyberpunk 2077: The Perfect RPG

    Keeping expectations low of course but I strongly believe that they're going to revolutionize again the game industry because they have something that I think most part of the companies don't have: "The advantage of the tools of their dispose and create something new from them." That's why I...
  14. itsmeaagain

    Mechanical Faithfulness to Cyberpunk 2020...

    I think I saw some people on forum showing it, try to search on the topics of Cyberpunk 2077, I'm sure that I found some illustrations of weapons and cyberware here on forum somewhere.
  15. itsmeaagain

    Cyberpunk 2077 Day vs Night and Atmosphere Thread

    We just saw a glimpse of what Night City really is, the best part (at night) is yet to discover and imagine and I think CD PROJEKT RED wanted us now to see that magnificicent part yet, the surprise element!
  16. itsmeaagain

    HUD colour display options...

    I'm "almost" sure that they'll give you the possibility to change the HUD to the color that you like.
  17. itsmeaagain

    Waypoint markers and immersion

    It's actually a good question which I'm sure somebody will give you a proper answer but they're still working on the game so some changes are possible on this stage.
  18. itsmeaagain

    Let's talk about vehicles

    That applies to metro as well or no?
  19. itsmeaagain

    Let's talk about vehicles

    I already see that they confirmed that we'll have bike and motorbike, the question is: Will they maintain the same interface used in the car or not? I'm curious to see, anyway I liked what I saw so far...!
  20. itsmeaagain

    Media, News & Previews Thread

    Remove the damage numbers but that's what we used to see in RPG's, so I think the damage numbers are essential, but not sure if they'll give you option to remove the damage numbers.
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