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  1. M

    Список изменений 8.1

    Фидбек наркоман прочел. Просили, крутить суккубов - иначе это бесполезное завещание с условием...
  2. M

    Arena and mini-tournaments suggestion

    Since RED has announced an arena change, please pay attention to this suggestion. The best draft system (arena) I've seen was implemented in the game Might & Magic: Duel of Champions. You can find youtube videos: “Draft champions duel”, “Draft mmdock”. Also there was a large Polish MMDOC...
  3. M

    Devotion mechanics has no responses to artifacts ?

    Wow this is a critical defect. Devotion doesn’t look OP. So every faction needs own anti artifact cards ! e.g. Dao could be monster card etc.
  4. M

    Suggestion for Better Ranked Matchmaking

    BartonFink very bad idea. best matchmaking is based on elo. modern CCG matchmaking is already a bad surrogate
  5. M

    Make a gift counter

    Is holiday (like Christmas and Lunar New Year) not for everyone? I didn’t receive gifts and I think I’m not alone. Random gift system annoying. Rather, I will not farm gifts and not go to the gwent store after that... Make gifts accessible to all! For example, make the counter of the required...
  6. M

    Пропали снеговики с карты !!!

    Шанс на рубашку маленький.
  7. M

    Strategic Withdrawal in New Season: Exploit or Legit?

    Stop this pls (Damien in seasonal) 1576858897
  8. M

    Information about disconnect side

    Well to be honest, I have never seen such a window on PC. iOS client does not have such a window, just freezes to the end of the duel in case of connection problems. Did you saw such a window in ios client ?
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    Information about disconnect side

    Show me the screen with disconnect reason before the end of the match or don`t trolling please.
  10. M

    Information about disconnect side

    Please add information on whose side disconnect. It’s very unpleasant to wait and think that your Wi-Fi is frozen!
  11. M

    Update 4.1 is a bad joke

    IMHO defenders made the game deeper. Card balance just started. Of course leaders need A LOT of balancing.
  12. M

    Gwent became too "snowbally"

    Crazy engines should be nerfed. All card pool should be balanced. Oh last difficult for indie studio :sad:
  13. M

    When did higher vampire get nerfed?

    Its a bug
  14. M

    Regular disconnections

    I did. Sadly there is no any response via email support.
  15. M

    Remove rotating +50% bonus experience for faction

    I liked BONUS EXPERIENCE This is a great thing for those who play a little !
  16. M

    Remove all Tutor Leaders (Francesca's Mystic Echo)

    RED studio makes strides in card pool balance. But it's time to balance the leaders ! I believe at least three leaders in each faction should be playable ! Simple suggestion: Mystic Echo: Play a Scoia special card from your deck. Reason: double best special card is too strong move. Pincer...
  17. M

    Regular disconnections

    Regularly have disconnects with ADSL WiFi PC version works fine with same Internet !
  18. M

    Invisible Dettlaff bug

    Invisible Dettlaff bug (both PC and ios)
  19. M

    Откат сохранений (Кровная вражда)

    Автосохранения с потерей колодообразующих карт (как Эйк) это фейл я считаю. Ну если можно дальше играть любым архетипом на высокой сложности, тогда ОК. Если же потеря карты в дальнейшем урезает архетипы, то это большой фейл.
  20. M

    Unlimited Geralt Yrden needs rework

    Not sure if Gwent contains a lot of tier 1 boosts that needed Yrden counter. Pure boost archetypes (like insectoids) actually fan decks regardless of Yrden.
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