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  1. T

    Disappointed again......

    Needed changes in the patch, still a boring game for longtime players. If you encounter someone of the top 1000 players in casual trashing players with a nekker deck.... you know people are bored. I am for sure and won't be playing till homecoming, and highly doubt i'll be playing much then...
  2. T

    What to expect from Gwent Homecoming balancing?

    Yeah, looks like they insist on trashing their own game. Not even bothering to get my daily 100 ore anymore. The game has become very boring and repetitive. Homecoming looks already like a failure and step in the wrong direction. The whole 2 row thing seems to be to make the game also avaiable...
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    Share Your Weird/Unusual Matches

    None, the game got so stale at the moment that i am forfeiting as soon as i see: nekkers viper witchers brouver pulling that other stupid dwarf etc just cherry picking matches to make my 6 wins and maybe a daily and logging out again. gwent is so boring at the moment.
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    Harald Houndsnout & Djenge Frett Combo

    Nice, finally a skellige deck that i like playing without feeling dirty. I have had some trouble with my opponents "random" damage always hitting wilhelm for some reason. But that's probably just a fluke.
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    How to fix Imlerith: Sabbath

    Every 2 turns and only on opposite row would be better than doomed. There is really no need to overnerf the card.
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    Harald Houndsnout glitch

  7. T

    Harald Houndsnout glitch

    Wilmar bugged? If i get it right i means that when he dies during my opponents turn then i get the bear? My opponent summons a archespore. I summon Harald. His archespore kills my wilhelm. Doing the 1 damage on Wilmae I get no bear.
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    How to fix Imlerith: Sabbath

    I don't think the discussion is pointless just because he isn't changed this month. CDPR is in the habit of changing their mind a lot. There are people who like to see this card played more without the dirty feeling. And i really do think doomed is just gonna make him see play even less. It will...
  9. T

    Weekend Special Event?

    Can we get some Event Weekends? Since we have to wait way to long for "homecoming". Something i am starting to doubt the use of more and more. I was wondering if we could get some "eventy" weekends. Just to keep the game a bit exciting. For instance Lets have a weekend where the 10 most...
  10. T

    Kegs Drop-rate Analysis (Premium, Silver, Gold)

    Did we have a change on droprates? Out of 8 kegs i got 1 gold and 5 silvers. On top of that i got 3 or 4 permiums. Just luck or did something change?
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    How to fix Imlerith: Sabbath

    I would be curious to see how he would work out if he would activate turn start. It would make it more fair, but maybe he should also attack once at deploy as well. Otherwise he might be just a 5point play in 80% of the games. I dont see much sense in the extra damage under hazard. That is...
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    How to fix Imlerith: Sabbath

    I still don't think that doomed on him is really a fix, just an easy way out. That will just kill a card with some good potential. I also see asking for a fix, but not a nerf. well, when is something a nerf and when is something a rework? I have been suggesting to limit his targets to 1 row or...
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    How to fix Imlerith: Sabbath

    I do mean he duels an opponent under ice at the end of every turn. Not just once. Just a bit more restricted than he is now.
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    How to fix Imlerith: Sabbath

    How to fix Imlerith: Sabbath *Please mods, dont just stick this under a 4 month old thread.* Now that all the rage about this card has died down a bit and hardly anyone seems to play him anymore, I was thinking about what good changes to this card would be. Because at the moment i am afraid he...
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    Faction Blacklisting

    I stopped caring about those kind of easytoplay-netdecks alltogether. I just forfeit and give them the win. They are used to easy anyway.
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    Is Wardancer A Problem?

    So why quit playing then? apparently ST is really challenging to play atm
  17. T

    Can we reconsider Faction Challenges?

    Bruagh, done for today and perhaps for the week even. Sure i want that NG border, but daaaaaaaaaaamn i am getting tired of all the mulligan/brouver/alchemy decks. Mostly the mulligan though. not that it is op-ed, but it is easily 70% of the matches.
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    Fun to play soldier deck

    Fun to play soldier deck Just sharing a soldier deck i have been having fun with. Far from overpowered, but it has some nice synergy going on. Jan Calveit Stefan Skellen Triss: Butterfly Filgforlemmeburnyourfaceofrealquicktz Cahir Dyffryn The Guardian Germain Piquants Last Wish Scorch Decoy...
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    Can we reconsider Faction Challenges?

    Yah, i cant imagine anyone thinking: "nice, 90% of the matches today made up of the 2 most annoying factions to play against. This will be so awesome". I liked the singleplayer puzzles a whole lot better tbh
  20. T

    How does Xavier Moran exactly work?

    Xavier Moran question First of, that is not a proper name for a dwarf. Now: Step 1: If i where to use mahakam horn and mandrake on Zoltan (either Zoltan is fine). That would make him a 21 power unit. Step 2: Renew him in a following round. Making a 21 power play and some extra effect from...
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