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  1. Kentoz83

    Cyberpunk 2077 User Reviews & Impressions

    I don't know if this is best in general or story, move it if you feel like it. Now first off! What were you thinking CDPR? Your game the witcher was famous mostly for romance/sexual encounters and good story? I bet even today many would prefer witcher 1 in ways of sexual encounters and story...
  2. Kentoz83

    If you nerf this, I'm done.

    You're done, I'm done! we're all done! Edit: say this with the tone of Jackson(jacks) in sons of anarchy! I'm done!
  3. Kentoz83

    Keanu-Punk 2077

    Only bad products need the use of celebrities. True fact, End of story! Prove me wrong yeah? A good product will sell without celebrities!
  4. Kentoz83

    Meredith Stout ROMANCE SCENE

    I feel CDPR failed the romances for their audience! only like 2 romances? And not even well done as witcher games? To me CDPR was a possible successor for bioware, but now I'm rooting for Larian Studios, divinity series.
  5. Kentoz83

    Is Cyperpunk 2077 a political game?

    dont know how this quote thing work here? New to this forum, Thank you, I am just doing a fast reply to a lot, but I do mean what I am saying. Failed quoting!? 6/10 1617636243 Ah reply, ok :) 7/10, but this might get deleted :)
  6. Kentoz83

    Panam Palmer Storyline/Sidequests DLC [Spoilers]

    for f*** sake can you post more pictures please?? CDPR totally neglected romances in the best environment ever to not do so, and the hopes for having casual sex and romances, they just botched! but anyway I'm just here to make 10 posts so that I can make my own thread, 5/10 tyvm!
  7. Kentoz83

    How many more patches are required

    How many patches are required? It depends on the number of monkeys, and if we have to do the math it is likely something like this.. 60 monkeys on 40 computers while having the need of sleep, overtime and ball-itching and banana eating you can consider it all well.. to take some time :) I have a...
  8. Kentoz83

    Which character do you dislike most?

    Worst of them all is Takamura or what his name was. I mean he knows what is right? Follows the rule like a damn mule and then change of heart and starts crying.. Annoying as fuck! Also want to make my own post, so 3/10 done :)
  9. Kentoz83

    More character related content?

    Games are made nowdays with graphics rather than love. To be honest can any game developer here actually say they have done a better RPG than baldur's gate 2 without lying? It isn't the graphics that makes the game! 2/10 of making my own post, ty for listening! :) but yeah I just want to make my...
  10. Kentoz83

    Is Cyperpunk 2077 a political game?

    I just wanna reach 10 posts, but I can answer the topic this way: Is any game or anything we do not political? The chair you bought and it's price and quality? has it anything to do with political arrangements? Taxes? The wood from what country? Politics is in everything, hell we can't even...
  11. Kentoz83

    Adult Game?

    CDPR trademark was cool sex, and romance imo, you expect sex and quality, tits and sex etc, one had hoped they would top it up a notch even? Like bioware with romances, then they somehow lost track just as CDPR, and this is what you get.. customers who feel cheated and wronged, as they didn't...
  12. Kentoz83

    Improvements of romance, sex, stealth, combat, story

    I feel that Cyberpunk 2077 is a good game, but not great! Not at anything! Deus ex has better stealth, and hacking GTA 5 has better brothels and car driving (eehrm, cyberpunk somehow missed the brothel?) and story and quests Vampire the Masquerade is more wicked Divinity 2 has better combat...
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