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  1. balum10

    TWiG AMA [Decommissioned]

    Hi, Any update if in near future there is chance for better looking versus screen? its something everyone sees a lot so should look much more interesting like proper introduction to epic battle, not so plain like now. Also idea/suggestion for vanity for Shupe skin, a keg or kegs that could be on...
  2. balum10

    TWiG AMA [Decommissioned]

    Hi! Why with Triss jornuey we didin't get any buffs/changes to make Triss cards better? like it was when Yen had her journey and her cards get buffs?
  3. balum10

    TWiG AMA [Decommissioned]

    When will draft receive any update? it didn't had any from months, since adding Madoc.
  4. balum10

    TWiG AMA [Decommissioned]

    What is the plan for releasing animated tokens? one/two animated tokens for month? or dozen of them at once?
  5. balum10

    TWiG AMA [Decommissioned]

    Hi, is there any plans to make 'vs' screen better looking? as right now its looks rather empty, plain and boring. Maybe you could consider idea to make a contest for players to design 'vs' screen, with few rules, like that there must be 3D leaders, etc. I'm sure it would shake community in...
  6. balum10

    TWiG AMA [Decommissioned]

    Hi, What I mean by not being able to level, is that I reached 10 prestige and 60 lvl. And after that you don't get exp anymore and can't level, there is no 11 prestige or more. So it would be great if team could come up with solution for players like me, removing level cap, or maybe adding...
  7. balum10

    TWiG AMA [Decommissioned]

    Hi, I have issue that maybe you could pass to right people. I think there is a problem with leveling in the game, as there is a cap, I achieved that cap almost year ago, so from that time I can't level anymore or get any more exp (gwentsday become useless for me), and for sure there is more...
  8. balum10

    Przedstawiamy piąty dodatek do GWINTA, Pan Lusterko!

    Gdyby była karta związana z fletem Pana Lusterko to uważam, że istnieje idealny opis do niej "Nie czarodziejska, tylko magiczna i nie fujarka, tylko flet, magiczna flet".
  9. balum10

    GWENT: Ask a Dev Discussion Thread

    Since this year we will get only 2 expansions, not 4, that means a lot less cards to animate, so by logic, there should be enough resources to animate tokens. Also maybe good idea would be to animate them in batches, and not all at once, so it would be easier.
  10. balum10

    GWENT: Ask a Dev

    Hi, Is there a chance, that in future Neutral cards that are dead and don't see any play will get reworks, like cards in Northen Realms?
  11. balum10

    Pytania do twórców GWINTA

    Czemu na PC nie można kupić bibelotów za pył, tak jak wcześniej wspominano? plansza karczemna była normalnie za pył.
  12. balum10

    Pytania do twórców GWINTA

    Hej, Mam pytanie odnośnie 'martwych kart' czyli takich praktycznie nie granych, zwłaszcza po pierwszym dodatku wiele się takimi stało, a z każdym dodatkiem będzie ich ilość rosła (Wataha, Milicja, Lambert, Talar czy szczególnie Czyste Niebo, Wronie Oko, Bomba Dwimerytowa). Do tej pory nie...
  13. balum10

    GWENT: Ask a Dev

    Hi! I guess that animators are busy with new expansion, so they don't have time to animate tokens. But after expansion? they will start working on another expansion? so when we could expect tokens to be animated? With every new expansion there are new tokens, so the longer it takes, the more...
  14. balum10

    Crimson Curse – new cards revealed!

    Well, I have an idea for the most beautiful card today. Musicians of Blaviken should randomly give one of that four statuses to chosen card on board, instead of this card. It could be strong in some situations, and weak in others, just like a real 'fun' card should be. It would be similar to...
  15. balum10

    GWENT: Ask a Dev

    Hi Pavko! About one of new cards: "Musicians of Blaviken". I know it's a 'fun' card, but it's ability is really really weak, even Gascon have a chance to be better from this. But one small change could make it so much better and fun, maybe even playable in some decks. What if it was giving...
  16. balum10

    GWENT: Ask a Dev Discussion Thread

    Now after seeing Eldain and Arnjolf abilities, more then ever comes out problem of not animated tokens crated by other cards. It's a big shame that cards created by leaders are not animated. And other tokens like Cows or Phoenix Hatchling are still not animated after more then a year after their...
  17. balum10

    GWENT: Ask a Dev

    Overall future looks pretty good! And I have few minor questions. 1. What about tweaking 3D look of some leaders? like Arachas Queen that have skin of Arachas Behemoth, or Harald holding shield. 2. When contacts for our cards collections will back? 3. March expansion will bring only new cards...
  18. balum10

    GWENT: Ask a Dev

    Everything sounds very very good! 1. Hemdall will have ability you leaked already or a new one? 2. What about Witchers trio? their power or provision will change? 3. Morvran ability tweak means that revel in NG will change to be less RNG? or at least cards won't be able to revel enemy card with...
  19. balum10

    Pytania do twórców GWINTA

    Na streamie było, że jak ktoś ma teraz 100 lvl, to w nowym systemie będzie miał pierwszy level prestiżu i 40 lvl. Ale co z expem zbieranym po uzyskaniu 100 lvl ? czy przez to lvl w HC będzie większy niż prestiż 1, i lvl 40? pisałeś kiedyś, że ten exp ponad 100 lvl nie przepadnie w HC.
  20. balum10

    GWENT: Ask a Dev

    Hi! I waited for that day, as today is my birthday, and I really would like to know Hemdall ability. But if it is still not ready, then maybe Gaunter ability?
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