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  1. SuperiorSaturn

    Ethereal fix

    That interaction was part of the problem, not the whole of it. The problem is c o n s i s t e n c y. I don't think a neutral card of all things should be an unconditional 4/turn engine with a single leader ability that it was obviously designed around. You could instead apply a number of great...
  2. SuperiorSaturn

    Ethereal fix

    "guys why isn't my 4/turn engine autowin" I love playing Exodia.
  3. SuperiorSaturn

    Ethereal fix

    Why are you bothered by a fictional card getting a fictional tag? I guess we'll never know.
  4. SuperiorSaturn

    Ethereal fix

    I'm kind of surprised you still managed to miss the point this hard. You just said it yourself. I'm not arguing one way or the other if that's what you think. If you have any other idea on how to nerf the one interaction that makes this card broken feel free to share otherwise the tags issue...
  5. SuperiorSaturn

    Ethereal fix

    Already mentioned that in my first post. Well I fail to see how you've made your case. I think you just missed the point I was trying to make since I simply suggested changes for both sides. You want MO Ethereal, nerf fruit. You want neutral Ethereal, nerf fruit then buff Ethereal. More deck...
  6. SuperiorSaturn

    Ethereal fix

    This is looking at it completely wrong. You're talking about a card that sees close to 0 play outside of fruit decks. You should be nerfing it in that specific deck, not neutering it to be barely worth it in that single archetype and completely unplayable outside of that. If you want to go...
  7. SuperiorSaturn

    Proof that Nilfgaard (NG) is NOT overpowered

    Lot of silly posts ITT. Problem isn't NG, it's specific cards and interactions. Vincent and dames are silly. Scenario is also a bit too silly. They'll definitely be addressed sooner or later and NG wr won't noticeably change but the play rates probably will. And greedier decks will be slightly...
  8. SuperiorSaturn

    “Revolutionary” Card Balancing Idea

    Neat idea. A bit underdeveloped but pretty creative imo. As it is it's almost just automating the current balancing process and removing the bias. The one thing you're missing unfortunately is the fact that Gwent, as well as any other mainstream CCG, is all balanced around the concept of power...
  9. SuperiorSaturn

    Ethereal fix

    One of the more sensible suggestions ITT. The rest are mostly just trying to gut Ethereal. The card was already messed with pre-release too since it was obviously made to be MO to begin with but they needed the Caranthir nerf safety net and they thought devotion would offset that interaction...
  10. SuperiorSaturn

    Two in One leader changes

    Interesting take. Anyone past rank 15 knows to bleed NR and especially pm since they're always combo decks. If you get to a long round 3 and they still have leader ability then you've already intentionally lost the game in the first 2 rounds. Not all decks need a round 3 and your wincon isn't...
  11. SuperiorSaturn

    Invigorate is so terrible that...

    It could be "damage all units in your hand by 1" and still have the same winrate.
  12. SuperiorSaturn

    Revert Saesenthessis

    Saesenthesis is the least of ST's problems right now. ST bronzes need a complete overhaul in either abilities, provisions or both. A lot of their golds are downright bad too when compared to autowin cons in other factions. This would be a start though.
  13. SuperiorSaturn

    Proposed changes to ST

    ST has taken the brunt of forgotten faction syndrome after Fran was scrapped. The provision spread on most ST units, especially bronzes, is hilarious. So many conditional 6 for 4p or even 5 for 4p. They still have that one dryad that does 1 damage AND applies poison, farseer or that one 5p 3...
  14. SuperiorSaturn

    Syndicate seems utterly unplayable

    The problem with SY will always be hard ceilings thanks to coin limit. The only way they played around that was with bounty and Passiflora. Now dies irae kinda gives it some points again. But then the opponent slams their boat and you're down 4 points on your finisher. SY's whole gimmick makes...
  15. SuperiorSaturn

    How the latest expansion promotes boring gameplay (?)

    How about that NG Echo card that spawns and plays any unit from your opponent's deck +2 damage? That's totally balanced for assimilate decks. I sure do hope no one remembers that card until they fix Assire/Scenario then people start complaining about it.
  16. SuperiorSaturn

    Why is Milling so broken?

    The cards are disappearing just because you moused over them. I guess because it assumed you looked it over and chose not to mill which is just stupid. Don't know why they ever removed the mill button when it was working just fine. Sick of having single bronzes milled after pulling a couple...
  17. SuperiorSaturn

    New trait: Companion

    They would never do that if they want to continue doing monthly patches. Even considering the poor quality of the patches that fail to address core issues with complete faction identities and do nothing to stabilize the meta you'd expect them to absolutely shit the bed if their primary...
  18. SuperiorSaturn

    New trait: Companion

    Sounds great for neutral synergy. I really do think there should be a benefit to using a good chunk of neutrals in your deck to incentivize building outside your chosen faction but I can also see it being abused by some already questionable archetypes. Hope they implement something similar so...
  19. SuperiorSaturn

    RNG ruins the game.

    The OP is so silly I couldn't read past the first line. I just thought you were for rng in general, not just draws. I might agree about the change to include silvers cosmetically but I still stand by the current provisions mechanic since the whole reason it was implemented was to give the devs...
  20. SuperiorSaturn

    RNG ruins the game.

    I still don't get what the key point is supposed to illustrate. I don't think anyone is really complaining about draw luck because like I said those odds are subjected to both players and your average hand is normalized against unlucky draws. The only thing I could see implemented to address...
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