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    Encouraging Players to Play Underused Cards

    Its simple: make a list of cards and heroes based on (usage divided by win rate [or some simmilar value]) every month -> take the top X cards /Y heroes and publish them -> integrate a permanent event into classic where player not using the top heores and have maximum 1-3 cards [exact...
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    Hen Gaidth Sword

    You just gave the answer yourself. Syanna is excusive for units, The sword is an artefact.
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    NR plays 5 cards in one turn....????

    Syanna is so expenisve there are barely any units worth to use her with. Literary all deploy skills worth being used with her are in NR. PLay a 3hp unit and hope she survives a turn for 12 provisions? Was she even viable before defenders?
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    Is Gwent a pay to win game?

    Rereading this post It appeared to me that there are two extra reasons which make this game very attractive for F2P and also relatively low grind. 1. Functional decks dont require duplicates and If they do (bronzes) they are easy to aquire. 2. There is no upgrade card system. The player gains...
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    Shupe Challenge is here!

    Buhh you cant cycle shupe... Its a special with doomed... QQ the maximum is purifying the created unit..
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    Draw mechanism changed?

    Unfortunatelly I was just too irritated and didnt think of it in that moment so no screenshot D: . Sorry I will think of it if this ever happens again. Round one was a draw, 16 to 16 points whith a card advantage for me (my opponent started), round two I simply played a single card while my...
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    Draw mechanism changed?

    I just had a game today where round one ended in a draw. For some mysterious reason my opponent passed on round two. Up to my knowledge I should have won at that point. Anyone experienced anything simmilar?
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    Shupe Challenge is here!

    I am certain I will make a shupe cycle deck just for the last two quests to end faster. 3 shupes a game should be doable.
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    Shupe Challenge is here!

    I assume you need more data to rebalance this card, so you created an event? I wonder when do ppl use shupe mage.
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    Nilfgaard Sweers vs units with armor

    Answers Part 2 Is this still about Sweers? If you wish I can make you a list about neuetral vs faction specific. It behaves simmilar across all factions. Also Heatwave is again a weak card/ victim of powercreep, that only makes sense in a specific context(probably skellige hate?). You seem to...
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    Nilfgaard Sweers vs units with armor

    Answers Part 1 First I might have went a bit overboard with my last sentence. I am sorry if I insulted anyone-this was never the purpose-, yet I also feel desperate how this thread ignores the relation of things. As If there wouldn't be any powercreep, in other parts of the game where seize has...
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    Remove rotating +50% bonus experience for faction

    Somehow this rotating boni don't influence my matchups. I still keep meeting the same decks :D
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    Nilfgaard Sweers vs units with armor

    First: the comparison with Vigo's mozzle pretends as if balance would happen on the level of single cards. Yet it is decks that fight each other not cards. So this comparison is nonsense. Cards have to be looked at in the context of the decks and factions they are used in. 1. Mozzle is a...
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    Nilfgaard Sweers vs units with armor

    sorry but this is totally nonsense. First, armor is irrelevant for the field value. It is power that decides the game. If you sweer a unit It can have 100 armor it still be 3 power and 3 points for my field. IF you field a unit with armor you won't get more value for your armor either. You will...
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    Issues with Trial of the Grasses + Damien de la Tour

    To Damien: a, Did you play him last turn? Damien lacks zeal so he needs a second turn to be able to use his skill (thus you never play him last and your opponent always has a way to react to it unless somebody gives him a zeal) Also b Damien only resets an ability so you have to use the hero...
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    Newbie in the game.

    First I think something has to be done for the new players communication. I understand that forum has to be kept clean but the 10 red point rule leads to this (a newbie has to open a topic in technical ). New players need a place to discuss strategies, counters, deck design issues ect. On...
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    An idea for Artefact rework

    IT appears to me that the real issue with artifacts are the uselessness of their counter cards. Therefore a thoughtexperiment: Imagine following change: Infiltrator: Meele: On round end shuffle this unit into your opponents deck. This unit is recognized as artifact. NG Infiltration deck: The...
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    Top 20 Gwent cards that are so bad their literally unplayable (and some honorable mentions)

    Dimiritium bomb had just in this seasonsal a great use in a deck that used only a few units and abused the situation that you cant play this card when there is no artifact on field thus forcing you to hold it in your hand. Sure in normal games It has no place right now but this season made it...
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    The incantation and tribute crones should get the crone primary category

    The crones Trio generates right now 21/25 points for 24 provisions not counting the value of consume that depends on the units eaten. They are totally standalone: you don't have to keep them alive on field nor do you require the other copies in your hand; their boosting support will allways...
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    Something needs to be done in regards to bribery

    I might have misunderstood something at the beginning, so let me summarize. A. there is no bug B. create generates 3 unique cards and they are always different(even if there are duplicates in the pool?) C. under these conditions the chance to redraw a unique card with your subsequent bribery...
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