Try this for modded games, Try renaming the Cyberpunk 2077\r6\cache\modded into modded_b and let it redownload. saves you reinstalling any big game files @D
FOUND: So a fix for this for modded games, Try renaming the Cyberpunk 2077\r6\cache\modded into modded_b and let it redownload. saves you reinstalling any big game files @D
FOUND: So a fix for this for modded games, Try renaming the Cyberpunk 2077\r6\cache\modded into modded_b and let it redownload. saves you reinstalling any big game files @D
I am having the no icon issue some have said its just their cyberware but its not just cyberware its for everything weapons,food,mods components etc etc. Be it in my inventory or an NPC's new game started on patch day but only happened since 2.01
I am having this issue but its not just cyberware but its for everything weapons,food,mods components etc etc. Be it in my inventory or an NPC's new game started on patch day but only happened since 2.01
I am having this issue but its not just cyberware but its for everything weapons,food,mods components etc etc. Be it in my inventory or an NPC's new game started on patch day but only happened since 2.01