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  1. Dr_Sinister420

    Please make the game harder, specially bosses

    The table top is more hardcore than CP77 lol. If you want it to be harder go check out some mods on nexus. Especially the humanity mod. That should have been in game to begin with. I've personally normalized the weapons, removed all the looter shooter aspects so now I have to actually craft...
  2. Dr_Sinister420

    CDPR vindicated those who doubted their promise

    I didn't do the heist until I was damn near level 20. There's enough side stuff to do and I get the frustration of being gated from the entire game until after the heist. The book comparison was about the character not the book/game to which people are upset that they don't really get to play...
  3. Dr_Sinister420

    CDPR vindicated those who doubted their promise

    What I gather is people are upset that they aren't really playing the V they want. Like it's their own personal story instead of the one laid out by CDPR. Well, too bad. That's how this works. Do you read a book and get upset you don't get to change the way the the story goes in the book? I...
  4. Dr_Sinister420

    Would You Rather See Multiplayer Or More DLC/Expansions?

    If multiplayer is done in the same style as the base game then they should just not do multiplayer. I've already been fairly critical with the direction they chose for CP77 which is far from the game it was based off of. Just Cyberpunk and Night City are the only factors that resemble the pen...
  5. Dr_Sinister420

    CDPR vindicated those who doubted their promise

    Personally, I think CDPR was just dishonest about what systems the game was designed for. CP77 was not designed for older hardware, period and it clearly showed and still shows for those on base Xbox One's and PS4's and for those who have inferior PC hardware.
  6. Dr_Sinister420

    Do You Think Cyberpunk 2077 (as of now) is an Immersive Sim game?

    Which Cyberpunk 2077 has none of Edit: Also, Wikipedia should not be used in anyway shape or form as a source of information.
  7. Dr_Sinister420

    Do You Think Cyberpunk 2077 (as of now) is an Immersive Sim game?

    CP77 is neither a sim nor a sandbox. Outside of NCPD Scanners, Gigs, Cyberpsycho's, side missions and main missions, all of which come to an end, there is nothing in Night City that allows the player to deviate from any of the missions. Can't go to a bar just to play pool. Can't even...
  8. Dr_Sinister420

    V1.52 - Fenrir quirk

    Only time I've had this issue was in VR. It's as if the description box doesn't fit the resolution that you've set your game at.
  9. Dr_Sinister420

    VorpX VR Mod

    I've started tinkering with the VorpX VR mod for CP77 and I'm just not quite having any luck getting the game to look at least a little good while still running good. Anyone who uses VorpX have any settings for it? My setup: i9-9900k @ 5.0GHz; 32GB Ram 3200MHz; XFX 6900 XT; Valve Index
  10. Dr_Sinister420

    Will CDPR ever respond to lack of RPG Mechanics and lack of choices?

    I played Cp2077 from start to finish upon release and I never had a single issue with the game. The next gen update came out and I bought another copy for my series X. Even with that, not a single issue. I understand some hardware configurations for PC users are going to cause issues due to...
  11. Dr_Sinister420

    Will CDPR ever respond to lack of RPG Mechanics and lack of choices?

    Bethesda had to learn from Morrowind on why allowing the killing of important NPC's is bad. It breaks the game
  12. Dr_Sinister420

    Will CDPR ever respond to lack of RPG Mechanics and lack of choices?

    Well, this is actually wrong. Turned based games translate extremely well from table top PnP. I agree when it comes to real time games that it doesn't translate well. The thing is, for a PnP game, Cyberpunk 2020 was closer to realism than most other PnP games. There was no hit points, had...
  13. Dr_Sinister420

    I... Love... This Game!

    248 hours and I'm doing a VR playthrough this time. While the game does have it's flaws it has been one of the best games I've ever played in a very long time. I hope the future for this IP does continue on. Hell, I even bought a second copy for my Series X when the next gen update dropped.
  14. Dr_Sinister420

    Anyone thinking Cyberpunk would be better game without rpg elements

    Where RPG elements start to fail, in my opinion, is when developers use the carrot chase method in the form of loot instead of progression through meaningful quests and encounters. The weapons in CP77 should not be tiered. Better equipment could have been completely reputation based with...
  15. Dr_Sinister420

    Anyone thinking Cyberpunk would be better game without rpg elements

    I agree with this. Some of the RPG elements were a hit an miss but that boils down to CDPR's lack of understanding the tabletop game. I personally think they took the wrong RPG aspects such as putting an armour value on every clothing item.
  16. Dr_Sinister420

    Anyone thinking Cyberpunk would be better game without rpg elements

    Mass Effect is a 3rd person action RPG. The Witcher is a 3rd person action RPG.
  17. Dr_Sinister420

    Anyone thinking Cyberpunk would be better game without rpg elements

    Have you even played Mass Effect or The Witcher because your response clearly shows you haven't. CP77 plays like neither of those games in any form
  18. Dr_Sinister420

    Anyone thinking Cyberpunk would be better game without rpg elements

    What? CP77 is definitely 100% a shooter with rpg elements tacked on. Hell, the gun play in CP77 is better then most modern FPS games
  19. Dr_Sinister420

    Anyone thinking Cyberpunk would be better game without rpg elements

    Im curious on how much input Mike Pondsmith actually had with the making of CP77. As a die hard old school player of the table top CP2020, i am disappointed with the lack of proper character roles that V could have been. I do really enjoy CP77 but it'd be a novel of critiques if I were to get...
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