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    Ciri Fan Art Thread

    Ciri and Triss by Drazen Kovacevic
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    Is NR still a broken deck?

    Before the patch Northern Realms and Scoia'tel were much more popular because of the mechanics abuse and now when that's removed they no longer feature as much as they did. That is a fact. What you are saying is completely true, no doubt about that. Sad truth is that Northern Realms now has no...
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    Is it me or there are more and more HS streamers coming to gwent?

    By popular demand :victory:
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    Is it me or there are more and more HS streamers coming to gwent?

    I've lost interest in Gwent recently, so i just play a few casual games to try to get some more new cards from the kegs but nothing more. Ranked I don't play anymore at all, it's too boring to bare. Its only interesting when they patch it and for a short period of time people are not dead set on...
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    Is it me or there are more and more HS streamers coming to gwent?

    Cool mate. So did I as a side kick while I was at college. I find that Gwent lacks psychological aspect of the game not to mention that Gwent tends to get automated after some time ( current meta) while poker always has that "live" feel to it, at least imo that is
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    Is it me or there are more and more HS streamers coming to gwent?

    Yes you were clear, but I disagree. Have you played really? Not apps or that bull but live one?
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    Is villentretenmerth suppose to...

    Yes he is, same as scorch Borkh/Villy will kill them even if they are protected by Quen shield. Epidemic will do it as well, and Pavetta too (I mean kill units protected by quen that is)
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    thinking of quitting gwent

    Only 12, man you're lucky I've sen it at 17 My problem lies in the fact that Morkvarg is highly resistant to removal, and I'm packing a heavy removal Radovid control deck. Morkvarg simply counters that, simple as that. This is not the main reason of me posting here, it's just the fact that the...
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    thinking of quitting gwent

    I don't think so. With a lot of weather yes, but not with Borkh and Pavetta
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    thinking of quitting gwent

    Skellige Morkvarg and Olgierd abuse annoys me, greatly. As an NR player I can't seem to find a good counter for it. Much to the point I consider taking a pause of the game. Weather is not that big of a problem. Playing Discarding your entire fkn deck is
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    Is Gwent a pay to win game?

    Impatient man, and what you're saying is very true, even with the latest changes to Axeman they are still very viable. Recent strategy I've seen plays out their entire deck. I mean, wasn't Scoiatel nerfed because of that and now Skellige does it with ease. What were the devs thinking :facepalm:
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    Northern realms needs an overhaul

    +1 Very true, just look up the suggested decks at one of the sites and voila I'm a playa now :hmm:
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    Reinforcement card bug

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    Reinforcement card bug

    Reinforcement card bug Sometimes when I want to use Reinforcement card and I have two bronze units on the field it simply won't allow me to select the other unit just one, and not the other. Example: I had a Medic and a Redanian Elite on the board. When I clicked on the Reinforcement card it...
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    Dimeritium bomb card demoting units

    I know it's a shaky argument but still :comeatmebro:
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    Please nerf Pavetta...

    I'm packing one more Epidemic to boot, if I need it :victory:
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    Dimeritium bomb card demoting units

    Dimeritium bomb card demoting units Dimeritium Bomb "An important part of every Witch Hunter's kit.In one muted flash, it turns the most powerful sorcerer into pork jelly ripe for the cutting. Special RESET ALL UNITS ON A ROW TO BASE STRENGTH. CONVERT GOLD UNITS ON THAT ROW TO SILVER (OR...
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    Please nerf Pavetta...

    She would become completely unusable then. She's good as she is now
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    Please nerf Pavetta...

    That's legitimate use, what I meant was replaying her more than once which I do
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