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  1. M

    [Mega SPOILERS] Immersion Destroyer.

    I sort of felt the same way after playing through the main story, right after release. The feeling subsided after a week or so and I managed to fill the void with other games for the time being. I initially wanted to wait with a third playthrough until both expansions are out, but I got weak and...
  2. M

    (VIDEO/BUG) Fear: The Musical

    This bug with the screaming is caused by whoresons henchmen attacking you. Thats exactly what happens at 0:20, you just dont know it yet. They have a ridiculous aggro range and can spot you through several buildings. As soon as they do, you enter a "pre-battle stage" where you might still be...
  3. M

    How Many Hours you have in the game?

    Second playthrough by now. On death march this time. First one was on blood and broken bones.
  4. M

    [DISCUSSION] Witcher 3 - Reviews

    What the hell did I just watch? That dude, the way he talks and his entire attitude, not only towards the game but other people aswell, just gives me braincancer. He himself said he only played some 2.5h but hes hating the game to hell? Doesnt add much to his credibility and just shows that this...
  5. M

    DLC 9+10 are here

    Is there a way for steam users to download the dlc from without having to wait for an update on steam? The link in the OP doesnt work for me.
  6. M

    dijkstra/roache quest - spoilers

    The quest will "continue" in a later chapter. Dont worry about it. Dijkstra will talk to you about it when the right time has come.
  7. M

    Whoops totally the wrong forum! Also spoilers.

    Might wanna put this stuff into story spoiler section next time. :P And yes, compared to your ending theres definitely stuff out there thats alot worse. Just look on youtube if youre really that interested. ^^
  8. M

    What monsters do you have the most trouble with?

    Coackatrice, Basilisk and Griffins give me quite a bit of trouble. I just cant seem to adjust alright to their fighting style. Everything else Im ok with. Wyverns etc. All no problem. Even if I get swarmed by drowners etc. Ill just use the group fighting stance from the sword skill tree and Ill...
  9. M

    Did anyone go full alchemy tree?

    Going full on alchemy is the strongest build out there. Especially once you get to the bomb split skill etc. Done it before and it absolutely murders everything when you throw 6 grapeshots at once. Same goes for being able to drink 10 potions. Really helpful, especially against more durable...
  10. M

    People want Gwent as a Standalone Game

    Yeah, I cant express my support for this enough. Id be so willing to throw my orens at CDPR for this.
  11. M

    forum is dying

    It makes sense though. The few thousand ppl every day (before release) were nothing compared to the masses that are now looking for bugfixes or looking to report bugs or people who are simply searching for walkthroughs and all that. With the game just being released, I except theres massive...
  12. M

    DLC with old faces for Triss and Roche. Do you want it?

    I actually really love the new models. Cant pinpoint why, but I really do. For all I care, there could be the option to get old faces for those who want it. I personally wouldnt use it though.
  13. M

    Devs be honest, alcotest and alchemists powder are found so often because...

    That genuenly made me laugh like crazy, I dont even know why. Thanks for that. Now I can go to bed with a smile on my face. :D
  14. M

    People want Gwent as a Standalone Game

    Id pay some serious cash for a gwent standalone game that lets me play against other people. This game is so addicting, its quite frightening.
  15. M

    Geralt fighting the Wild Hunt with silver sword

    Considering that the silver sword is for post conjunction monsters and the wild hunt would theoretically fall into that category, since they can only cross dimensions via magic/portals, I dont think its strange at all, despite them not being specters, unlike in TW1. Besides - the fact he only...
  16. M

    The Witcher 3 and CDPR Appreciation thread

    I can only speak for round about 12 years of gaming really, but seriously CDPR nailed it. Theyve given me everything I couldve ever asked for with this game. A true masterpiece. I will be honest here. With all the fails all around us in recent years and games that couldnt nearly live up to the...
  17. M

    Why no Colossus sized bosses like the Kayran?

    As appealing and convenient as it might seem for us PC players to blame everything bad on consoles, I dont think this has anything to do with consoles this time but with a very destinct design choice. Besides, even if it werent for consoles - and ignore the fact that the game wouldnt exist...
  18. M

    Replaying the game?

    Yeah, played on blood and broken bones or whatever its called first. Now im doing a deathmarch one. Think I got about 90% of the content done in the first playthrough(largely ignored the floating chests in Skellige). Planning on going 100% this time, if bugs wont prevent me from finishing...
  19. M

    Why no Colossus sized bosses like the Kayran?

    Problem with this is that the kayran fight was heavily scripted, almost to a point where its quicktime event-ish. In TW3 they went for a different approach and I honestly cant see how you could combine the grand monsters with the current design approach. I too would love to see some bigger...
  20. M

    Exploration worth it?

    Yes. And lots of it. Generally, a good idea is to look at the map and check for buildings/ruins. Most of them have a story to them, even if there is no question mark listed for them before you actually arrive there. Most of those question marks result from you reading quest boards btw. So take...
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