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  1. enkee23

    Panam Palmer Storyline/Sidequests DLC [Spoilers]

    decide what to accept or to do is my business not yours explanations are logical only in your mind the point is solid from the start so your attempts are pointless panam has unique plot armour against any consequences avocados story is a fary tail and ruines two endings
  2. enkee23

    Panam Palmer Storyline/Sidequests DLC [Spoilers]

    i do not argue and do not answer any questions i share point of mine and thats all unfortunately the problem is that you take own thoughts and shares as mine what lies in your concept is not in my concern whatever
  3. enkee23

    Panam Palmer Storyline/Sidequests DLC [Spoilers]

    it is a concept substitution to call relatives people who are not relatives the same goes about family nomad life is a false illusion avocados storyline is an absurd
  4. enkee23

    Panam Palmer Storyline/Sidequests DLC [Spoilers]

    some strangers who wants run away from clan after any sneeze are not family she protects by leaving them for a new life? wow so much sense river's story is not even close because randy is a relative friends are not family these words do not contradict with mine so read the posts thoughtfully...
  5. enkee23

    Panam Palmer Storyline/Sidequests DLC [Spoilers]

    carefully read that post again your answer is absurd and has nothing with mine questions panam is seriously mentally unstable person with rooted obsessive thoughts about protecting a bunch of avocados which she treats as family comparing with real life is pointless what words?
  6. enkee23

    [Spoiler Alert] About the endings

    mb my optics need to be recalibrated but in the official guide i see months not weeks
  7. enkee23

    Patch 1.31

    if next patch remove all junk and garbage from night city streets we will gain more fps than we have ever imagined
  8. enkee23

    Patch 1.31

    it's awful that people have to suffer from this kind of "optimization" release version was way better than current
  9. enkee23

    Патч 1.3

    видны фикс будет доступен как первое платное дополнение
  10. enkee23

    Patch 1.3

    is there any solution to boost lights and shadows draw distance on pc? current version is terrible tried mods for lod but with no result
  11. enkee23

    Патч 1.3

    если не выходит из терминала, то надо возвращать оригинальный файл настроек управления как вариант можно сравнить файлы и попробовать добавить строки из мода руками
  12. enkee23

    [Spoiler Alert] About the endings

    story feels like a bright flash u don't have much time left and that's why epilogues are so unsatisfying story should feels like a long journey to prepare player to accept almost any fate in the end cyberpunk moralizes and blames for being wrong person in the wrong city and you can not avoid...
  13. enkee23

    Хотфикс 1.22

    компания не перестает удивлять, пробивая очередное дно я думал после ахинеи про искусственный интеллект больше перлов не будет но потом появились график вылетов, новая итерация дорожной карты и нарезка багов а теперь они показали статистику, которую украсили картинкой с вырезанным из игры оружия...
  14. enkee23

    [Spoiler Alert] About the endings

  15. enkee23

    What are your favourite quotes/lines? (Possible Spoilers!)

    from hanako "a matter of perspective"
  16. enkee23

    Хотфикс 1.22

    вроде там надо зайти в меню покупки имплантов и вместо ладони от виктора поставить подарок от окады
  17. enkee23

    Хотфикс 1.21

    это шедевр
  18. enkee23

    [Spoiler Alert] About the endings

    while nomad and corpo at least express own position afterlife v hides motivation even from the player endings contradict each other when famous nomad hides from hunt the same legend chills in the mansion only to discover that after leaving the body no one knows who attacked the tower
  19. enkee23

    [Spoiler Alert] About the endings

    better to spend time for additional variations or at least text chat with li and friends then creating a bunch of pointless emails for bluejunk activities i watched pawel stream and was annoyed he spend several minutes explaining how they used stickers to explain detailed story of garage...
  20. enkee23

    [Spoiler Alert] About the endings

    so i watched stream with pawel when he was asked about = odim his answer was that devs left enough clues and great characters are flatlined because they are great and it's like george martin style
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