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  1. Alekzie

    Share Your V! (Keep it Classy)

  2. Alekzie

    Update 2.1 Patch Notes

    Anyone else having the issue where you can't use Sandevistan during "You know my name"? Sol never hangs up, and when I try to use it it says 'Sandevistan cannot ne used during a holocall'. However in prior missions, I played with another character in the call the whole duration of the mission...
  3. Alekzie

    Regina not giving reward nor acknowledging the completion of the Cyberpsycho missions.

    As the title says. I gonna send a ticket, but I want to know if anyone else is experiencing this issue as well.
  4. Alekzie

    Patch 2.11

    Sent a ticket about it last night, they replied this is a known issue, so at least they already know about it and might be working on it. As for the Ana Friedmann, I'd advise you report it too.
  5. Alekzie

    Patch 2.11

    The game at launch didn't have a cyberware cap, which now they added. The game at launch had mod clothes, which they reduced and then eventually ended up removing. The game at launch had mod slots for weapons, which they removed. The game at launch allowed you to buy crafting materials with your...
  6. Alekzie

    Patch 2.11

    No flashlight/night vision implant yet, but they did randomly decided to change the chrome limit and make the game more restrictive AGAIN. For God's sake, stop tweaking a singleplayer game to make it challenging for people who are just playing alone! I don't want to be looking and installing...
  7. Alekzie

    [BUG] 2.11 Radio is always on [Z]

    Team is aware of the issue, it's acknowledged and hopefully we will get a fix soon.
  8. Alekzie

    [BUG] Cannot re-map key, PC Steam. [UPDATE]

    Cannot re-map the 'pocket radio' (the radio on foot) key on PC anymore. Yesterday before the update it was working like a charm. After the update, the game changed the key to the default (Z). Issue is, there are at least 2 other actions on foot that also have Z as default, so I always changed...
  9. Alekzie

    Phantom Liberty - The story just doesn't... work for me? (some spoilers included)

    The 'least worst' I would have picked was making V tell their friends and love interest exactly what is going to happen, where they will be and what are the risks, and if they decided to ghost V, get mad at them, break up with them after doing that, at least our conscious is clear. The issue is...
  10. Alekzie

    [Spoiler Alert] About the endings

    Alright, like @LadyMiseryAli said, not everyone cares the romances, and that's true. One of my best friends played the game and didn't romance anyone cause he only cared about the story and being besties with Johnny. Some people don't put the same investment in the main characters' relationships...
  11. Alekzie

    [Spoiler Alert] About the endings

    Exactly. Like I said before, it's punishing enough that you already lost your rep, your merc life and your chrome forever, that was the downside of that ending already, yet they wanted to keep making it worse, when we already had more bad than good endings. They gave us the false ilusion that...
  12. Alekzie

    Share Your V! (Keep it Classy)

    Bad graphics as usual, but anyway: Different life paths, here we go again. Corpo. Streetkid Nomad.
  13. Alekzie

    [Spoiler Alert] About the endings

    True that, Panam is the one who surprised me the most, to be fair. Also, the difference is that this is the only ending where V is cured. If you were given different options where, depending on your choices, they leave you, it would be different. But this being the only ending where you get...
  14. Alekzie

    After 3 years, the same mistakes

    This is the very first time I experienced so many issues with my gameplay. Leaving aside my feelings for some of the changes and the new endings of the game, I have this: - They still haven't fixed the issue (after all these years) of your EXP buff getting removed every time you pick up a skill...
  15. Alekzie

    [Spoiler Alert] About the endings

    Not only that.
  16. Alekzie

    I'll never forgive CDPR for making The Mox hostile :(

    Ever since the beginning of the game, I loved to point out how The Mox was truly the only friendly gang (at least towards V) in the game: They always showed up as green dots in your map no matter where you found them. Hell, even some Aldecaldos in Pacifica would attack you if you got too close...
  17. Alekzie

    Junk vendors selling components again.

    Even though it's not in the patch notes, I saw other comments saying the same thing: Many people had their higher components missing, only had the 'common' (white) ones left. I don't think it's a bug, but something they implement to 'avoid exploiting the game', yet again. If you're lvl 7 I...
  18. Alekzie

    Bugs after Patch 2.0

    Might be a error from CDPR, cause you're not supposed to be able to buy quickhacks and components from her or other vendors anymore. Some quickhacks might be available in your crafting inventory. I need someone to correct me on this, but the quickhacks are now only obtainable via looting...
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