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  1. Strateg1x

    Patch Notes 10.3

    For MO It would be better to leave it as it was , than to take away hope for a good Wild Hunt update. The only thing they understood was to change WQ thrive, but it just looks like no change in potential.:smart: Wild Hunt Rider- nerfed Wild Hunr Navigator- still no place in deck. trash. Wild...
  2. Strateg1x

    Season of the Wolf Top 16 Qualifier deck selection

    Nilfgaard (14 total decks) Northern Realms (14 total decks) Syndicate (13 total decks) Skellige (13 total decks) Scoia'tael (2 total decks) wow still Monsters (0 total decks) fck this :coolstory: Season of trash Wolf, have to skip watching this. :beer:
  3. Strateg1x

    Has anyone seen witchers in "Gwent The Witcher Game" lately?

    Witchers are nothing but problems. The Wild Hunt is hated for killing Vesemir, so in Gwent they were made weak to take revenge on them. :coolstory:
  4. Strateg1x

    Card Ideas

    Fck Thrive. who ever put it on Queen. Fck Pellar, even he is better than Taskmaster atm.
  5. Strateg1x

    Card Ideas

  6. Strateg1x

    MO Improvement suggestions

    MO archetypes seem to be lost too deeply. Few cards does not change lack of synergy, need a complete rework. Not only units but also, spells, MO have worst location, worst scenario, like it was made on purpose. Just can't believe how to make archetypes with such small synergy potential...
  7. Strateg1x

    F*ck the modern world!

    Play MO faction they are outdated. :howdy:
  8. Strateg1x

    Patch Notes 10.2

    MO are needed for other factions to test new decks on them, with small chance to lose, fact. :howdy:
  9. Strateg1x

    Season of Love has begun

    Season of even more {no balance} continues.
  10. Strateg1x

    Patch Notes 10.2

    Playing as MO, there is no tools against new trash in Patch 10.2, still only old crippled Imlerith Wrath is a joke, the Imlerith itself is outdated. Vampires are whipping boys who are beaten by everyone in da face, they are being thrown by lock abuse, poison and other removers. Non Devo MO...
  11. Strateg1x

    Yenn - Invocation needs a nerf

    Yenn - Invocation nerf ideas: -increase the card cost or -target cards with provision cost not more than (10) or -target cards with provision (5) increase the provision value by 1. for every [specific] card played.
  12. Strateg1x

    Card Ideas

  13. Strateg1x

    Scoundrel bypassing immunity

    I know, that's why SY need more attention.
  14. Strateg1x

    Scoundrel bypassing immunity

    One more reason to nerf SY.
  15. Strateg1x


    Sounds like nerf needed.:coolstory:
  16. Strateg1x

    Patch Notes 10.2

    Till next worthy update for sure.
  17. Strateg1x

    GWENT Art Contest is live!

    Amazing master piece @_@ Vereena by: Anna Volkhina 1644442293 Khagmar - Higher Vampire by: Eleonora "Noura" Abdrakhmanova
  18. Strateg1x

    NG poison & Philippe Van Moorlehem

    That's right Sir. :howdy:
  19. Strateg1x

    NG poison & Philippe Van Moorlehem

    it's about crazy poison synergy, zeal on poison, 1 turn kill, and also next turn snipe another kill. since it have Cooldown: 1 . [Defenders will popp like balloons] And yes many decks is hard to remove him, specially Devotion MO, where not enough, lock and other removers. if deck is even has...
  20. Strateg1x

    NG poison & Philippe Van Moorlehem

    Did you already face the new NG poison deck? With new Philippe Van Moorlehem ability. -What do you think? I think it's broken af.
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