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  1. Lord_Stachu

    I repainted a Geralt figure (Grandmaster Ursine ver)

    Now that's what I call a peace of art! Well done to you sir!(y)
  2. Lord_Stachu

    My very own Ultimate Gwent Set

    Thanks man, I'm also quite proud of that lid, although it took me the longest to carve it. Woah, that's some really nice complement there, thank you (y) Cheers mate!
  3. Lord_Stachu

    My very own Ultimate Gwent Set

    The cards are also custom made but are the same size as the original ones.
  4. Lord_Stachu

    The Witcher - Forgotten memories

    I loved it! Especially Geralt's memory when he fights Bruxa, it reminds me of the CDProjekt's Cinematic in that barn outside Tussaint. Well done (y)
  5. Lord_Stachu

    My very own Ultimate Gwent Set

    Yeah, the current Gwent has changed a lot since it's predecessor and I didn't have some professional tools like palm router for example (got them now though). Done a few of those Gwent boards actually, the one in the pictures is the very first one. That would be great if CDProjekt Red would...
  6. Lord_Stachu

    My very own Ultimate Gwent Set

    Thanks for the comments guys, glad you like it ;). I've sent you a PM Khreygond. Also, thanks for a nice comment.(y) These Gwent board rules are old school from Witcher 3. If I'll ever be around london again I might get in touch :cool:
  7. Lord_Stachu

    My very own Ultimate Gwent Set

    Thanks Helios969. It took me few weeks to put it all together but I think it was worth the hustle.
  8. Lord_Stachu

    My very own Ultimate Gwent Set

    Hi Guys! Thought I'll share this with you. I'm a big Gwent fan and decided to go one step further. I've done my own Gwent set: The set includes: Complete 5 Gwent decks packed in specially designed card boxes, Made from pine wood and some plywood customized wooden Gwent board with engraved...
  9. Lord_Stachu

    Grant Master Wolf Armor Geralt Toy

    Grant Master Wolf Armor Geralt Toy Hi guys, Just wanted to share this with you. My wife just made this felt toy for me. Beautiful peace of art and detail.
  10. Lord_Stachu

    The Witcher: Farewell of The White Wolf

    The lads just had an interview with one of the polish gaming reviewer TVgryPL on Youtube. You may not understand the whole of it as it is in Polish language but surely is worth watching some of the exclusive game footage they've made. Hats of boys, these guys are great!
  11. Lord_Stachu

    Wiedźmińskie miecze

    Trzeba Ci przyznac - swietna robota! Pochwaly dla Ciebie i Ojca :). To my teraz poprosimy o schematy do tych mieczy :P
  12. Lord_Stachu

    Zlecenie “Najgroźniejszy potwór na Skellige” oraz Zestaw Skelligijskiego Rynsztunku już dostępne!

    To by bylo swietne! Wyobrazacie sobie ile nowych przygód moglibysmy sami skonstruowac dla naszego Geralta? :)
  13. Lord_Stachu

    Ekonomia w świecie gry, kupcy

    Ja co zauwazylem, to Zbrojmistrzowie w Kasztelu Wronce (Fergus i Yoana) daja duzo mniej za uzbrojenie niz taki chociazby kowal w Skelige. Ja osobiscie polecam sprzedawac swoje niepotrzebne przedmioty w Kaer Trolde na Skelige. Tamtejsi rzemieslnicy placa duzo lepiej od Mistrzów Uzbrojen.
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