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  1. V

    No friendly match option in the menu?

    No friendly match option in the menu? Hi! So I just discovered after launching Gwent that my favorite play against friend button is gone from the menu. Is it a bug or an official decision? I understand that we can still invite friends to play a match through the chat menu.
  2. V

    Any special card that triggers deploy ability?

    Yep, I understand that, thanks. :-) Maybe there will be some more powerful Decoy card in the future? Possibly a gold one that could trigger deploy of gold cards?
  3. V

    Any special card that triggers deploy ability?

    Well I was searching for a card that could repeat deploy of any card (that is even gold cards). :-) So that is why I initially asked. I think that kind of card would be pretty cool. But Decoy is a decent alternative, although as I found out, not very suitable for my deck. Nice signature by the...
  4. V

    Any special card that triggers deploy ability?

    Of course, the Decoy card, how could I not think about that one! I didn't realize from it's description that it can actually repeat deploy ability, but of course! Thank you all for the answers!! And Theodorik for the very thorough response, much appreciated!
  5. V

    Any special card that triggers deploy ability?

    I was more thinking about sort of a card that would have really "Trigger deploy ability of any unit/card." But I guess that sort of card is really not out there huh? :-)
  6. V

    Any special card that triggers deploy ability?

    Any special card that triggers deploy ability? So is there any card that can trigger deploy ability of any card you select? I was trying to find one but without success so I suppose it has not been made or won't be made because it would be too powerful? I was thinking that if it would be...
  7. V


    Oh, the agile thing, I completely forgot about that.. I cannot say I am against it, but it's true that it is what made Gwent unique in a way, that it have the rows and various units you can (or rather must) assign to them. But I can understand you are not enjoying the game as of now as every one...
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    Well actually, it did affect my deck.. I've realized it only after few minutes of a few rounds yesterday. But well, it could've been worse. :-) As in the previous patch. That truly left my entire deck in ruins :D (and there was a much greater amount of changes for everyone I believe). In any...
  9. V

    Mahakam Ale Festival has begun!

    Exactly how I felt! I almost had it and damn - how could I've missed that particular move?! Hah, but that's indeed part of the fun. :-)
  10. V

    Mahakam Ale Festival has begun!

    You are absolutely right. :-) And of course I've enjoyed it as I do every challenge! The festival is a wonderful idea and I hope to see more similar content in the future! :-)
  11. V

    Battering ram + fresh crew - how does it work?

    Superb, I am glad I finally understand it. :-D Thanks for your patience! I found this mechanic confusing for some reason. :-) Cheers!
  12. V

    Battering ram + fresh crew - how does it work?

    And just one last thing - to trigger the fresh crew ability of battering ram, the ram needs to be placed right next to a crewman card? If I place it on the same row but not right next to a crewman, it will not work? So just to imagine that I have two crewman, I play one ram between them (that...
  13. V

    Battering ram + fresh crew - how does it work?

    Awesome, thank you very much for explanation guys! And thanks for moving the thread RidiculousName !
  14. V

    Battering ram + fresh crew - how does it work?

    Battering ram + fresh crew - how does it work? So after the latest update, I realized that battering rams are not as useful to me as they were before. It's only one damage point down, but interestingly enough, it changes a lot. So I was thinking about a machine substitution for those. However...
  15. V

    Ale festival is live

    Man, I am really glad I am not the only one struggling. I was trying expert mode yesterday and I was completely helpless after about 20 runs in the first challenge! I had to find "inspiration" on Youtube to win the damn battle. And I was so close! Always almost winning in third round. Now I...
  16. V

    Mahakam Ale Festival has begun!

    Wow.. I really feel bad reading all those comments. "Finished under an hour." "Completed in 30 minutes." Seriously guys? :-D I was either really tired or it's not my cup of tea, because I was playing it for more than two hours and I was completely helpless in first challenge of expert mode -...
  17. V

    Dimeritium bomb - does it reset a lock?

    Hehe, that would be one interesting card :-D
  18. V

    Dimeritium bomb - does it reset a lock?

    Cool, thanks for the answer! :-)
  19. V

    Dimeritium bomb - does it reset a lock?

    Dimeritium bomb - does it reset a lock? This question has been bugging me for quite a while and I haven't been able to find any answer on the net (I apologize if it was answered already). Does dimeritium bomb actually reset the locks as well?
  20. V

    Do you hate certain decks so much you forfeit in straight away?

    I feel you.. That's why I never want to see any refined decks. :-D Truth be told, I've been playing only friendly matches with my friends so far, so I haven't been beaten to a pulp in the ranked matches... Maybe then I would also have desire to see some refined decks. But damn, I will stay true...
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