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  1. Aris_Tarkus

    Gwent is the true colletion card game

    Would love to see these back in the game
  2. Aris_Tarkus

    Updated Soundtrack available

    Would much prefer a download myself...
  3. Aris_Tarkus

    People that are older than the gaming generation

    We had them in downtown Portland too. Magazines and newspapers from all over the world. Pinball machines and arcade set up iin one back room, poker in the other. Men would bring their kids in for a day. Load them up on game room tokens and then hit the poker tables.
  4. Aris_Tarkus

    how many games and how long you are playing Gwent daily?

    After taking a couple of months off and dropping to rank 9, I am back playing roughly 4 or 5 matches a day at various times. Playing all modes, though I am not really enjoying Draft much because of the actual 'draft' process.
  5. Aris_Tarkus

    Why the person above you should be banned

    Ban for mniddle of the roaders for not choosing high or low
  6. Aris_Tarkus

    How to Beat it: Strategies for Defeating Pernicious Decks

    My personal favorites, at least if playing Skellige are Dire Bear and Sigvald.
  7. Aris_Tarkus

    Consistent Gwent Crashes

    Well... 4 tickets in 4 days. Game is now crashing regularly when opening kegs (locks up after the first keg is opened), when changing leaders (across all factions and leaders), when viewing contracts, when reviewing the journey stream to see what is coming up regarding re.wards This is...
  8. Aris_Tarkus

    People that are older than the gaming generation

    From one of my all time favorite movies. Going to have to watch that again now.
  9. Aris_Tarkus

    People that are older than the gaming generation

    Oh for the good old days eh!? Computers without monitors, playing 3D tic tac toe on a teletype terminal hooked up to a time share system. That's where I started. How many players still remember what a Grue is? I must say though, that one of the games I used to play a lot, and enjoyed the hell...
  10. Aris_Tarkus

    Now playing [music]

    Currently hjigh up on my play list: The first and last ones need to be played really loud!
  11. Aris_Tarkus

    Service Interrupted

    Wow. I thought it was improved as I haven't had an issue since the release.
  12. Aris_Tarkus

    Why Many Players Not Giving GG

    The only time I don't give a GG is when I have passsed, the opponent has won, yet they continue to play 3, 4, 5 cards. Players that do that should not get rewarded. Would not be an issue if you could forfeit without loss of reward/experience.
  13. Aris_Tarkus

    Ciri Fan Art Thread

    Absolutely stunning.
  14. Aris_Tarkus

    New Journey countdown

    Hoping for someone/thing from Skellige or Nilgaard
  15. Aris_Tarkus

    Post Your Desktop

    What is this from as it looks great.?
  16. Aris_Tarkus

    Fucusya is broken! Why aren't the devs doing anything about it???

    Nice 150 point play, but it wasn't Fucusya, it was a lot of set up, Offering, Rioghan and 2 Mesengers that did the damage.
  17. Aris_Tarkus

    Draft Mode comes out of Early Access!

    Not even enough ore to 'pay' for your next draft ticket.
  18. Aris_Tarkus

    Deck of the Day

    Probably busy on other projects.
  19. Aris_Tarkus

    Card Ideas

    I like the Harmony of the Spheres/Pod idea, but 5 for 2 seems like a non-starter to me. Only way to gt addiotional value would be if Alzur is on board already, and there are better ways to activate Alzur.
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