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  1. Killduke

    La Ballata delle Spie

    La Ballata delle Spie Salve, sto faticosamente tentando di scalare il ranking ma stavolta mi sono arenato al rank 18. Nel tentativo di cercare qualche nuova soluzione oggi mi sono messo a fare un po' di partite "casual" con mazzi diversi ed è riemerso un problema che ormai affligge in maniera...
  2. Killduke

    Una mia modesta recensione

    Una mia modesta recensione Salve a tutti, sono entrato nella beta chiusa di Gwent ai primi di novembre. Fin dall'inizio ho amato questo gioco alla follia confesso soprattutto perché sono appassionatissimo della saga di The Witcher. Nelle partite a The Witcher 3 spesso mi fermavo presso le...
  3. Killduke

    Nerf scoiatel....the game is unplayable!!!

    Nerf scoiatel....the game is unplayable!!! Nerf scoiatel....the game is unplayable!!! Some example: 1) They buff a card (usually toruviel or another) and duplicate with operator. They have morenn in hand. At last round they play both toruviel. You cannot contrast in any manner. If you have...
  4. Killduke

    "Foglets/Weather/Nekker Warrior" Trick VS Radovid

    "Foglets/Weather/Nekker Warrior" Trick VS Radovid First of all I want to say that I am happy with my Radovid Deck. The deck have a decent winrate and it's fun enough for me. I would like to report a trick I've seen used more than once in this meta. Some days ago I matched up (ranking)...
  5. Killduke

    Game often crashes during matches

    Game often crashes during matches A really annoying bug that ruins the game is that the game crashes during a match. Today, I have lost 2 ranked matches one after the other. Really annoying...
  6. Killduke

    Patch 0.8.33 ruined the game (for me)

    Patch 0.8.33 ruined the game (for me) Hi, I have 148 hours of gameplay on GOG Galaxy for this game. I had a lot of fun with this game before patch 0.8.33. Now, with a lot of new cards out. there is no real control deck that works. I played with NR, Monster, Scoia...some times I win (rarely) but...
  7. Killduke

    New patch has issues

    New patch has issues Post Edited.
  8. Killduke

    Monster Match: Breedable Overpower

    Monster Match: Breedable Overpower What do you think of this?
  9. Killduke

    "Multiplier + Wolf + Promote" Unbalancing...bug?

    "Multiplier + Wolf + Promote" Unbalancing...bug? I played many match and in the last one my opponet used a strategy that in my humbe opinion is a bug (too unbalanced). He used a chained multiplier to create 3 unit with value 72 each, that he has keep with "adreanline rush". In the...
  10. Killduke

    Inventory Key Bug

    Inventory Key Bug Hi, there is a bug in the inventory key when inspect a scheme or recipe in merchant trade screen. When you select a recipe or scheme the legend in bottom-right portion of screen indicates press "I" to view details but pressing that key only dismiss inventory/trade sceen and go...
  11. Killduke

    Extra GOODIES PACK Italian Localization

    Extra GOODIES PACK Italian Localization Hi, I am a great fan of The Witcher series and I purchased digital version of the game to directly support CDProjectRED but now i see that the physical copy of the game have Manual, Compendium etc all localized in italian language. I see that the...
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