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  1. griffonwing

    Street Cred needs an overhaul.

    For me, Street Cred needs to be based on the burroughs, or districts, of Night City that you are in. Any bonuses or such will only affect you if you have that much Cred in the district. Perhaps splitting Street Cred into Night City Cred (max 10), based on main quests and certain side quests...
  2. griffonwing

    Key in the under water church

    In Judy's Pyramid Song quest, I recall seeing a key on a pew in the underwater church, but couldn't pick it up. This was still on 1.03, so I can only assume that it was the item glitch where you cant get the pick up notification. Just curious if anyone else saw it, or if it actually wasnt a key...
  3. griffonwing

    Eventual mod request

    There are 6 districts in Night City, excluding the Badlands. You have City Center, Heywood, Pacifica, Santo Domingo, Watson, and Westbrook. I'd like to see modders split up and tackle each district, (either one at a time or a different team tackling different districts) opening up all, or...
  4. griffonwing

    So, I can't get it to run on my console [sarc]

    I downloaded the game from GoG, burned a copy of the Cyberpunk2077 folder onto a disk as a Zip file and renamed the extension N64. I then opened a Mario 64 cartridge, removed the board and replaced it with the cd, and inserted it into the N64 slot, but it won't boot up. I don't know what I'm...
  5. griffonwing

    Maps, driving, and auto pilot

    A couple ideas for improving certain aspects of driving in CP77. 1) Practically everyone has a computer on their brain. I would assume that the minimap is supposed to be an internal map for the sake of gameplay. That is all well and good, however, an ability to zoom in and out of the minimal...
  6. griffonwing

    Please revamp the journal

    The journal and quest log is very lackluster and vague. Specific information are completely absent, and unless you just received the quest, trying to remember what the quest was about, or even who gave it to you, can be quite confusing. I've been driving when completing a quest, video calling...
  7. griffonwing

    Order a Jackie Welles

    One of the first things that I did after "The Tragedy", was to go to The Afterlife and order a Jackie. I couldn't. I waited until after the wake, went back, nope again. I want to honor my fallen friend and drink to his health. Jackie even told the barmaid what his drink would be. If I recall...
  8. griffonwing

    New cybernetic mods and ideas

    Here are a couple ideas that I'd like to see implemented in a future update. Please post your ideas below. Eyes, arms, hands and legs should be split into right and left. Incorporate new materials for all cosmetic cybernetic augmentations: Steel, Chrome, Ceramic, Gold, etc For example...
  9. griffonwing

    Update for PC not connected to the net

    I currently live in the country, 20 miles north and south from high speed internet. However, the community that I live in has no access, except for DSL from a small phone company 45 miles away. They charge 65/month for a 4Mb connection. That is not a typo. 4 Megabyte, 65 a month. And I'd be...
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