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  1. D

    I don't understand the driving mechanics in CP2077

    Hey, who designed driving in this game? I'm not talking about steering, cause it's supposed to be fixed, but rather how engine + clutch mechanics are working. All the time, and I mean it, the rev meter is on the high end, even while driving as low as 40 km/h. (not to mention you barely feel the...
  2. D

    Niewyraźny obraz podczas poruszania się.

    Hej, Sprawdźcie proszę dwa filmy, które zrobiłem, i powiedzcie mi czy widzicie coś szczególnego? np. w 20stej sekundzie i dalej, napis na billboardzie robi się niewyraźny gdy ruszam kamerą lewo/prawo Gdy nie poruszam myszką, obraz jest ostry. Jednak kiedy poruszam się, zwłaszcza w...
  3. D

    Please tell me if there's anything wrong with my game or setup...

    Hey there. Please check the following two videos I made and tell me, do you see anything particular? check at 20s onwards, the image with text. When I'm moving left/right the text gets blurry. For example, when I'm not moving the camera, the image is sharp. However when I move, especially...
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