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  1. G

    Witcher Timeline

    Witcher Timeline I am currently undergoing to read all the Witcher books (on Sword of Destiny as of now) before Witcher 3 is released, and it made me curious, is there anywhere I can see a timeline showing what year each of the books and games take place?
  2. G

    Beating the Mighty Numa the hard way!

    Beating the Mighty Numa the hard way! So, a pretty long time ago I decided to try to beat the Mighty Numa without any potions while he still had his steroids on. And after a lot of attempts I finally made it, but there was no reward for it which made me a little disappointed as I was kinda...
  3. G

    Arena score not updating.

    Arena score not updating. As the topic says, my Arena hasn't been updating on my profile. And yes, I was "online" when I pressed Enter Score. The score is still uploaded to the Steam leaderboards however.
  4. G

    W2 Steam autosaves not appearing

    W2 Steam autosaves not appearing So this is pretty weird... Everytime I manually save/quick-save the saves appear in the remote folder and the "Load Game" list, but whenever the game auto-saves they don't appear anywhere. I've both checked the default save location, the Steam save location, and...
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