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  1. Mefris

    Game Breaking Bug where you can't be called by anyone (Can't finish Gigs)

    Got around this one by loading an earlier save.I can't exactly pinpoint what triggered it but I have a rough idea when it happend. I had just finished the "I Fought the Law" job and I got the call from Jefferson to meet up.Went to his apartment,got on the elevator and talked to Johnny.Well,I...
  2. Mefris

    Spoilers:A hard choice...

    Spoilers:A hard choice... Setting:The assault on Stygga castle. The choice:Before battle you get a premonition of what's to come.You have enough time to save one person from the hansa.Who is that person and why? 1)Milva 2)Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach 3)Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy...
  3. Mefris

    (Spoilers) The Witcher Trivia Game!

    (Spoilers) The Witcher Trivia Game! Basic rules: 1) Don't post a new question/riddle until the current one has been answered. 2) The person who comes up with the right answer gets to make up the next question/riddle. 3) If you would like to skip a turn, say that you don't want to go...
  4. Mefris

    Getting Around

    Getting Around Getting around in a vast open world is very important.It has to be done in an engaging way so that you don't get bored between commutes and it has to be fun so that you will feel compeled to explore.After spamning the forums of different RPG game dev companies for years now...
  5. Mefris

    No man's land

    No man's land I'm curios on how far the Nilfgaardians have advanced in their campaign since T2 and in which part of the No Man's Land we are going to roam.After seeing T2's ending my mind was racing at the thought of exploring places like Rivia,Dol Blathanna,Brokilon and the lands south of the...
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