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  1. F

    GWENT: Ask a Dev

    Hello Burza/CDPR team; - Are there any plans to bring back more characters from Witcher 1 - the Reverend, Haren/Odo/Mikkul, Abigail, Vesna etc, Celina/Alina, Berengar? -Will there be an unlockable Shani portrait in the Seasonal tree?
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    GWENT: Ask a Dev

    Could you please provide a gallery or list of the available avatars that can be unlocked with each Season? that would be much appreciated.
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    GWENT: Ask a Dev

    Hi Burza, could you release a list or provide details about the leaders/borders who could be unlocked with each season? I understand Aelirenn is for Season of Elves; how about Warrior, Mage etc?
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    GWENT: Ask a Dev

    Will we see certain Witcher 1 characters featured in Gwent for future expansions? Azar Javed, Professor, Siegfried, Alina/Celina, Vesna, Abigail etc.
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    GWENT: Ask a Dev

    HI CDPR team, with regards to the Avatar rewards for the game: Would you consider making them available for purchase via ores or crafting materials? Perhaps a legacy avatar from a previous season could cost the equivalent of a Premium Gold? It would be a shame to lock out so many lore-rich...
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    Seriously can you guys just please release Thronebreaker already

    As far as I'm concerned, it's better for CDPR to release the game in the best shape it can be rather than a half-finished work. We should temper our expectations and impatience.
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    [SPOILERS] Saovine: Holiday of the Dead - Help Solving Puzzles

    I found the 3rd challenge to be the easiest out of all of them. 1st on Expert was ridiculous to the point I had to look up a guide.
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    GWENT: Ask a Dev

    Thank you for that info and your vigilance. I'm inclined to ask a follow-up question as I recently heard that PUBG on STEAM has been banning thousands of cheaters daily. Have you observed if Gwent has encountered the same problems? Are...
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    GWENT: Ask a Dev

    Cheers, thank you for acknowledging it. I'll send reports as I see them then. If I may inquire, popular multiplayer intensive games such as Siege, DOTA 2, Hearthstone/Overwatch employs anti-cheating measures such as uPlay's Battleeye,Valve's VAC, and Blizzard's Warden respectively...
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    Game Out of Sync / Disconnect (While Winning)

    If we're going by TCGs as an example, Hearthstone suffered from blatant drop hack/game out of sync abuse as well. But there will always be deniers who wants to cover it up.
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    GWENT: Ask a Dev

    Are servers region specific? I'm wondering why I'm seeing players from Asia on the US server, it's causing considerable server lag.
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    Meta aside, I hope that CDPR will do something about the technical side of things such as addressing nethack exploits and players using VPNs to play on different regions. It's really getting out of hand.
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    Account problems in Chinese server

    Why though? I think it's better for latency/matchmaking servers if everyone stays in their region.
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    Matchmaking with Chinese players

    Chinese players shouldn't be able to bypass server restrictions, and they should be banned for doing so.
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    GWENT: Ask a Dev

    Do you plan to upgrade and implement anti-cheating measures to the server before the release? It's a known fact that all PC games with multiplayer elements are susceptible to hacking/cheating; especially of the network infrastructure sort such as drop-hacking and lag switch. These are the...
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    Ranked Play season ending August 27th — a message from Paweł Burza

    I wish you guys would make an official statement/message regarding your stance on network exploits such as drop hacks and lag switch. What's the point of these seasonal rewards/incentives if some people won't play fair?
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    GWENT at gamescom 2017

    Sounds cool, wish I could attend :( hope everyone attending have fun. Also, I hope that you'll officially address the issue of sync/drop hacking before the launch of the game, it's really killing it for many ... (including myself)
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    Why Many Players Not Giving GG

    Meh. I GG if I sincerely believed it was a good game.. but would certainly not for drop hacking or playing another broken cheese Deck.
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    "A problem occured with the local client that prevents the game from continuing.."

    I agree. The whole "verify your connection" and "unable to sync" is getting really out of hand and is killing the game for me; even though the connection is stable on my side. I hope that CDPR acknowledges and addresses this problem...
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    Connection Issues: Public Beta

    I agree. The whole "verify your connection" and "unable to sync" is getting really out of hand and is killing the game for me; even though the connection is stable on my side. I hope that CDPR acknowledges and addresses this problem instead of letting cheapskates abuse the network.
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