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  1. S

    Using the Console to change Witcher 2 import decision

    try removefact(import_henselt_alive) found it in "gameplay\globals\w2import.csv" : W2Fact;Value;NewFact act1_finished_with_iorweth;1;import_iorweth_path riszon_let_go;1;import_letho_alive sheala_escape;1;import_sheala_alive q215r_henselt_lives;1;import_henselt_alive...
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    Script Editor with 1.22

    copy "scriptStudio.exe" and past it in "The Witcher 3\bin\x64" and launch it from there.
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    [MOD HELP] Float to Int? Having some trouble editing buy/sell pricing.

    'RoundF()' might find others useful functions in "scripts/core/"
  4. S

    [request] Teleport to xy position from the map.

    i can get the pin position using this: theGame.GetCommonMapManager().GetUserMapPinByIndex( index, id, area, position.X, position.Y, type ); function GetUserMapPinByIndex( index : int, out id : int, out area : int, out mapPinX : float, out mapPinY : float, out type : int ) : bool; but i never...
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    [RELz] Convenient Looting

    looks nice , thanks
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    [q] scriptstudio breakpoints broken?

    here what to do , maybe you will catch what you are doing wrong : - create en empty folder somewhere let's say D:/mods/ modtest - open scriptstudio and create a new mod : name: modtest ; workspace : D:/mods/ modtest : gameinstall : your witcher main dir - scriptstudio will import the...
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    [q] scriptstudio breakpoints broken?

    sometimes you need to reload and choose 'install mod ' if you are not doing this already. also be careful where to put the breakpoint ;see below
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    [q] scriptstudio breakpoints broken?

    you mean they don't trigger? cuz for me they work fine
  9. S

    Which file holds bomb definitions?

    take a look at public function SingletonItemsRefillAmmo() public function SingletonItemsRefillAmmoNoAlco(optional dontUpdateUI : bool) in "The Witcher 3 \content\content0\scripts\game\components\"
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    [question] add timer with callback

    public timer function LoopTimer( dt : float, id : int ) { doSomething(); } AddTimer('LoopTimer', 0.01f, true); have you tried putting it in a class that already use timers? C4Player for example read more here
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    [Work In Progress] Fera's Roach Mods

    this does look epic , nice work
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    [Mod Request] Hide Quest/Monster Level

    commented some lines in "\game\gui\menus\" /* ModHideQuetlevel if ( questName != "" && questLevel > 1 ) l_areaTag = l_areaTag + "<font color='#7A7A7A'> | </font>" + difficultyColor + GetLocStringByKeyExt('panel_item_required_level') + " " +...
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    [Mod Request] Hide Quest/Monster Level

    something like this ?
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    [MOD] Random Encounters

    woow this is big ! great work
  15. S

    Anyone interested in series of video tutorials?

    anything about scripts is welcome :)
  16. S

    Help Needed in Modding Armor Crafting Diagrams: Importing and Cooking Files

    better use ModKitchen your mod dir should be like this : "..\modenhanced\Modded\gameplay\items\def_item_crafting_armor.xml" open modKitchen --> in the Build Mod tab, name your mod, point the working dir to "..\modenhanced", and then hit build. if it's just .xml files you modded there is a...
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    [Help] Issue with custom def_loot_shops.xml file

    i tried doing it and apparently it worked. here's the mod so you can test it : and here's the unpacked mod folder (the one i opened with modKitchen) : i'm not sure what you did wrong but try looking at the files and compare to see for yourself
  18. S

    [MOD] Quest level on NoticeBoard

    just and update to tell you that i might have found a solution that could work and btw i'm glad you guys like it :)
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