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  1. S

    GWENT: Ask a Dev

    Will there be more leader skins which not only recolour or add some details, but also change the existing 3D model? Although Meve skin is wonderful, I'm kinda sad that we can't use her swamp suit which shows her in a different way.
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    Ból głowy związany z grą w Homecoming

    Może miałbyś trochę racji gdyby ból głowy/złe samopoczucie występowało zawsze i przy każdej grze. Można by obwiniać zmęczenie oczu czy nawet brak aktywności fizycznej. Ale tutaj ewidentnie Gwint robi coś inaczej niż inne gry, skoro ludzie mają taki problem. Być może jakaś nietypowa częstotliwość...
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    Ból głowy związany z grą w Homecoming

    Grałem na wszystkich polach bitwy i przeszedłem wszystkie mapy dokładnie, ani razu nie czułem się źle. Pewnie jest to jakaś mikro wada ze strony oczu/mózgu, tak jak mówisz przewrażliwienie na nasycone barwy. Noszę okulary z filtrem niebieskiego więc może dlatego nic nie odczuwam. Niebieskie...
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    Ból głowy związany z grą w Homecoming

    Z pewnością nie jest to normalne, nawet jeśli wcześniej nie miałeś takich problemów. Mi nie dzieje się kompletnie nic podobnie jak większości osób. Być może powinieneś przebadać wzrok albo poszukać testów na różne czynniki mogące wywoływać taki ból głowy?
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    Thronebreaker / Wojna krwi - dyskusja ogólna.

    Nie pomijajcie Isbel, świetna towarzyszka, a co najważniejsze, postać całkowicie opracowana przez CDPR od początku do końca, a nie ustępuje innym w niczym. Było w jej charakterze to, co cenię sobie w uniwersum wiedźmina najbardziej - nieprzewidywalność i złożoność (jej opis karty: "Nigdy nie mów...
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    Why the person above you should be banned

    ^ Ban for choosing wrong direction for an arrow
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    What if artifacts got armor instead?

    I love the idea of artifacts and that items are no longer special cards but have their own category. But what bugs me is that there's no difference whether you play a bronze or gold artifact, it's equally easy to remove them. On the other hand, when you don't play any artifact removal you are in...
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    GWENT: Ask a Dev

    New video is simply mind-blowing! Awesome job and wonderful leaders :D Here are some new questions: 1. Do you already know what will the next video be about? 2. Which faction will the next video feature? 3. Have you already figured the Northern Realms (Or Temeria&Friends :sneaky:) playstyle? 4...
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    GWENT: Ask a Dev Discussion Thread

    My birthday is tommorow so you don't have to wait till 20th with this leek :sneaky:
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    Pytania do twórców GWINTA

    1. Czy, pomimo usunięcia rzędu oblężniczego, maszyny oblężnicze KP będą mieć swój archetyp i ciekawą mechanikę? 2. Czy Henselt (lub inny lider KP) będzie mieć synergię z maszynami oblężniczymi?
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    Homecoming Reveal

    You use this "people" word like everyone thinks the same. HC reaction is mostly positive and I love 2 rows, even if they wouldn't bring any new mechanic and simply make those amazing cards bigger.
  12. S

    Pytania do twórców GWINTA

    1. Skoro liderzy poza walką będą w formie kart, a tylko na polu bitwy jako figurki, to czy po naciśnięciu podglądu na figurkę (tak jak po naciśnięciu prawym na kartę) pojawi się okno podglądu lidera z wielką kartą po prawej stronie? Myślę, że to by wystarczyło, żeby pozbyć się wrażenia...
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    AMA with Paweł Burza - ask your questions here! [ended]

    Also regarding the source material: do you have rights to use characters and other things from all the books including Season of Storms? Last year there was also a book released which was written by fans and approved by A. Sapkowski: "Claws and Fangs". I've just read it and there are some plenty...
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    AMA with Paweł Burza - ask your questions here! [ended]

    Hey! Any plans for legendary entrances for premium legendary cards? Like SLYSZEEEEEE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE and thunders when Yennefer is played :>
  15. S

    Why is Redanian Elite a siege card?

    In ancient Rome the most experienced warriors were in the last line. First ones were unexperienced young warriors. In this case it would be justified. And about Milva - she could shoot from a very very long range basing on the books, she was extremaly accurate. So siege = far distance. Believe...
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    Premium cards aren't animated while on the board

    Premium cards aren't animated while on the board Hello! I just wanted to share it with you: I can't see premium cards animation while they are on the board. They are animated while I check card collections + they are animated in game while I'm zooming them and in last played card box, but not...
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    You are not the one who controls your play

    Hey guys! I really love your comments because what you write here is constructive but also... it proves that the topic name is really suitable for this thread. You are discussing who of you gives GG and who not and why you eventually don't do it. Can you see it? "I'm not rewarding any discard...
  18. S

    You are not the one who controls your play

    You are not the one who controls your play Ok let me explain the topic of this thread. Gwent has introduced a really original and interesting rewarding mechanics. That's the GG bonus which is the only bonus you can get after achieving 3 levels per day. I really enjoyed it because at the...
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    [SUGGESTION] Add scraps prize for playing a match

    [SUGGESTION] Add scraps prize for playing a match Hello! To improve game experience I would reward every match with small amount of scraps. Why? As you can see, the scraps we get from GG is same to gold, while gold is much more important. Also, scraps we get from destroying cards are really...
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    Lost connection = Lost a match

    Lost connection = Lost a match I'm 15 level already so I played lots of many different games. To be honest I love Gwent and the only simple thing that makes me not wanna play the game anymore (for a while of course) is losing a connection for like 1 second. When it happens, I immediately lose a...
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