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  1. T

    What's the state of the game?

    Hi. I stopped playing I think about 2 years if not longer ago after playing since closed beta. My main issue was that the importance of deckbuilding (which originally was one of the things that I liked about the game) completely went out of control in my opinion. Basically, if you played...
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    Thinking about returning

    Hi guys, I stopped playing Gwent around the time where the Iron Judgement expansion launched and wanted to know if it's a good time to come back to the game. My main issue with the game when I left was that deckbuilding had to big of an influence on the outcome of a game, which is something I...
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    Trigger Cerys on damage taken

    So right now Cerys in the melee row is 15 points for 10 provision, divided on four bodies that thins two cards without any counter whatsoever as long as you have a damage tick to spare. Even as a Skellige main and a fan of strong cards this seems way too overpowered. My suggestion is to change...
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    How to actually contact support

    When I open this subforum, it tells me it is not a channel of CDPR's tech support team. It then directs me to the official support site, but on that site there is no way of actually contacting the support team. It's just a glorified FAQ for what I can see.
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    How Rats work

    I just came back after 6 months and discovered that there are rats now. I looked for synergy but didn't find a lot. Now I watched some videos and saw that the rats are spawning on the opponent's board. Is that just how they work or do I have to combo them with something? Because nothing the...
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    Game stutters and occasionally freezes [updated]

    Update: I did some tweaking and the game is almost playable now, but it's still constantly stuttering just a tiny bit which is very annoying, especially because the sound stutters too which makes dialogs sound really weird. The freezeups are still there and unfortunately they happen most often...
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    [SOLVED] Final faction quest resetting to zero.

    My girlfriend just completed the final faction quest with Scoiatael (win 5 games) but instead of getting the reward the win counter just resetted to 0/5. We already restarted the game once, but that didn't help.
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    Can't transmutate Cards

    I have 2 normal and 1 premium Alba Armored Cavalry and 1400 Meteorite Powder, yet I only can create a new premium copy through crafting with scraps and powder, it does not give me the option to transmutate when I "zoom in" the normal version. Other cards where I have the same combination of...
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    Who flips the coin?

    At the end of the trailer to the new expansion, you see someone behind the camera flipping a coin. Is there a mysterious sixth person whos's behind the syndicate?
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    Possible miscalculation when rewarding ore

    I'm currently at 98 ore and I wonder how that is possible. I suspect some rounding errors in the code.
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    Another patch?

    I got another 600MB patch today. Any news about that?
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    Special Cards Sometimes don't Duplicate in Seasonal Mode

    When you create a special card, you don't get to play it twice.
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    Faction Restriction in Arena

    I would really like to play more Arena, but right it's not a very fun experience for me and considering the fact that only 20% of the players have gotten the achievement for playing a single arena run (no matter how many wins you get) I feel like something needs to change. The main reason why I...
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    Lost progress on daily quest

    Before the newest hotfix I had a progress of 3/5 games won with northern realms on a daily quest, after the patch this progress is gone. I wanted to contact support, but I seem to be only able to contact them about a specific issue (like how to install gwent) rather then sending in a general ticket.
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    Drag and drop cards

    As you guys seem to be taking care of some qol issues right now, may I suggest to be able to drag and drop a card onto the field again instead of having to click twice. It is not a major issue but it makes the game feel so much more smooth and actually like a card game so it should be a high...
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    TB - How do the scouts work exactly?

    Do they find everything in a certain area on the map? Or a limited amount in a certain area? Or do they find the x closest markers no matter of distance?
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    TB - Exploit in "Betrothed"

    Not sure if this is the right place for this but when you pass after Gascon reaches your side of the board you jsut win :D
  18. T

    TB: Is the difficulty selection working correctly.

    I begin to get serious doubts whether I'm actually playing on a difficulty aimed at "experienced players who want to put there skills to the test". I'm by far not a pro player but still running through the game facing opponents who not pose a single threat to me. Could someone just check whether...
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    Compress ambush cards

    Can you use artifact compression on a hidden ambush card?
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    Idea for Bearmasters

    Idea for Bearmasters What about "Spawn a Bloodcurdling Roar or a Savage Bear"? Would give you the option between an up-to-10 point play and an engine card which could be used with Axemen. Would also decrease the synergy with veterans to an maybe acceptable level.
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