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  1. A

    Something is off With the Coinflip

    1. I don't expect them to, but I do expect that if they are going to claim percentages then they certainly will. 2. How did you come to that percentage? Sample size? If you just say "I did the math in my head" or "its just what I saw" then you are both a victim of confirmation bias as well as...
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    Why Many Players Not Giving GG

    You're both right unfortunately. While I agree with Henry that certain decks are suited for ranked and less serious (lets call them memey) decks are suited for casual, Theodrik is correct that ranked and casual are two modes of matchmaking and the deck brought to that experience is not limited...
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    Something is off With the Coinflip

    You need to put something about putting your tin foil hat on in the thread title! This is some of the silliest stuff I've ever seen. Oh, and if you're being told that you will go first in the next round if you won the previous round, there's no reason to state who played more cards, who passed...
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    Scorch largely missing?

    Scorch seems prevalent enough in some decks. It doesn't work in many skellige decks (so you'll see Gigni or Coral in its place), nor does it work in a Dwarf archetype. I still use it in a few control decks, and I rarely see a ST control or Rad deck that isn't running it.
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    What I learned at 4000+ MMR

    I think Mooshie has a good point; aren't the monsters less prevalent because of all the Rad decks? Discard (QG, full discard, etc.) are all good against control decks, so once Rad become the hit, enter discard. Seems like a lot of it is meta vs counter-meta versus counter-counter-meta. This is...
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    When is it worth sharing your deck online?

    Personally I found it more useful for me when I was newer. Now that I'm a bit more experienced and playing at a decent mmr, I'm playing much closer to the popular lists for whatever archetype I'm playing with only a few tech changes based on what I'm seeing a lot of and a meme card here and...
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    Bekker's Twisted Mirror: the most broken card in the game

    Ahh derp, you're right. I guess that seems good; making it a gold would definitely up the commitment from a deck building standpoint required to run it.
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    What cards do you think are unhealthy for the game?

    I like auto-includes at the silver level; locks/mages (meta depending of course) are great examples. You're definitely right that it doesn't provide the same shock value, but I don't think that makes it any less powerful. Lots of shock value cards are either silvers/golds (Gigni, scorch), and...
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    Bekker's Twisted Mirror: the most broken card in the game

    This is dangerous. As it is if a BTM goes off you can use removal/madroeme/etc. to at least remove all the strength you just lost. If its gold now you need shackles and removal, or dbomb. I guess perhaps I don't mind this so much, I do really like dbomb! :P
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    What cards do you think are unhealthy for the game?

    The card is undoubtedly a swiss army knife though, and probably the best one in the game. It factors into some part of each monsters archetype (consume-extra strength, swarm-3 tokens 1 bronze, wild hunt/weather control-carryover), and it brings something to the table whether its countered or...
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    Moderator 4RM3D and Sunsibar, come, over here

    It seems they've taken the stance many parents choose to take with repeated annoying behavior takes place...ignore and it will go away.
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    What cards do you think are unhealthy for the game?

    I'm surprised this is page 12 and this hasn't turned into the celaeno harpy discussion...
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    What is CDPR's Stance on Discard Abuse by Letting the Timer Run Out?

    I get that bugs and unintentional things happen...but when you run out of time a card discards. I don't think that's something that just "happened". It would take meaningful amounts of code to take a card resource and change its state (in deck to in graveyard) when the timer runs out. It seems...
  14. A

    RNG? Or something more going on?

    [No message]
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    Geralt Igni Currently The Premier Gold To Craft?

    I'd say so. People play differently and even row stack by trying to diversify high value units in fear of this card. Its not an auto-include in any deck, but it was the first legendary I crafting in closed and open beta as well and I have 0 regrets about it. As many content creators will tell...
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    How long till I get to play people of my level again?

    I do like in Dota how a "hidden MMR" system keeps your casual matchmaking in check as well. But at the same time, casual matchmaking in this game is fast for everyone (even those who often can't get a quick ranked queue), so its probably ok. Casual is great for meme decks man, I'm telling ya...
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    What is CDPR's Stance on Discard Abuse by Letting the Timer Run Out?

    Quick thought: coding in discarding a card if you run out of time was (likely) not an accident. I'm assuming CDPR is probably ok with the practice at least for now, due to the fact that it is in fact coded into the game. With Borkh strategies being more common this might become balanced or...
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    Moderator 4RM3D and Sunsibar, come, over here

    In b4 4RM3D ...
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    How many female players out there?

    I'll bring this train back onto the tracks by saying that it would depend on the women in question who would be in said bikinis. At any rate I came from the Witcher 3 as well. My sisters both play video games, with differing tastes from me. I never really felt the need to analyze it or suspect...
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    Fire Elemental too powerful

    This is exactly right. Fire elemental and the Butt aren't the problem with swarm decks, celaeno harpy and foglets are. Edit: Forgot Woodland Spirit as someone mentioned. Part of the problem with this card is just the problem with foglets though... It is a 5th source of fog for monster players...
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