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  1. C

    Nagrody za nowy poziom

    zgadza sie , 2x1 dwukrotnie po 1 jednej karcie., no niestety okazuje sie ze nie sa.... no chyba ze ja jakis specjanly jestem i ciagle w closed becie gram :) np. za lvl 60 dostalem ruszajace sie ostatnie zyczenie a tej pierwszej nie pamietam bo to dawno bylo
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    Nagrody za nowy poziom

    losowa ruszajaca sie karte niekoniecznie zlota, ja na przyklad dostalem 2 epickie
  3. C

    Is it just me or Nilfgaard is absolutely ridiculous right now?

    i repeat that every time new cards are released L2P
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    Struggling to reach rank 20

    Quite the oposite. the system isnt flawed becouse it encourage to INEWNT new decks that will beat other decks. People that create one strong deck in next week or two have to change it couse meta is evolving and i think its very good unllike playing same deck builded at the beggining of the sezon...
  5. C

    Struggling to reach rank 20

    real game start at ranks 18-19 everything before tha its childs play
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    Ethnic Characters

    how about nekkers - humanoidal form that could be coal miners for example or even coming from verry sunny place wild hunt riders - being like acient mongolians with best horses and determination to conquer the world etc etc only lack of imagination can hold you back my friend :D
  7. C

    Ethnic Characters

    if monsters arent ethinc anought for you i dont know what will :comeatmebro:
  8. C

    Mill all decks to craft one perfect deck.

    never ever mill any cards that arent "extra". in fwent unlike other card games it relativly easy to gather cards and scraps. just farm a bit or buy some kegs, but never ever mill cards couse bad atm after patch may be tier 1.
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    [Opinie] Scoia'tael

    @Akuumo Mysle ze w kwestii kart- zmian ktore byly potrzebne zeby muligan funkcjonowal, i faktu ze w IDEALNYCH warunkach muligan jest w stanie narzucic wysokie tempo mozemy sobie podac dłoń. Co do 5 wspanialych. Nie zachowuja sie idiotycznie jesli maja z tego kozysci. Jezeli w najblizszym czasie...
  10. C

    [Opinie] Scoia'tael

    @Akuumo muligan nie jest popsuty tylko w koncu dodali zlote,brazowe i srebrne karty ktore sprawiaja ze ten archetyp jest grywalny. tak jak napisal Twilightus, jak redzi wezma sie za balans to z muliganu zostana wiory. ma miejsce taka sytuacja: 5 osob ktore sa twoimi autorytetami wylewa sobie...
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    [Opinie] Scoia'tael

    wystarczy przejechac rozdarciem po komandosach i nici z "ogromnego tempa". trafilem na kilku rozgarnietych ktorzy w ten sposob niweczyli caly moj misterny plan no ale kim ja jestem, miliony nie moga sie mylic.... a kombinowac z muliganem trzeba szczegolnie w 2 i 3 rundzie,
  12. C

    Anyone else doesn't like how fast climbing the ladder is?

    ladder is broken I find it ridicolous that 3 days after reset there are people with 4k mmr+, it should be like in heartstone hundrets of hours to get to the top. Something has to be done couse it is too easy to get high rank and high rewards basicly for nothing. Its very discourageing when...
  13. C

    [Opinie] Scoia'tael

    muligan wydaje sie byc silny ale pozostale frakcje tez dostaly niezlego"kopa",. znajac CDPR to nastepna aktualizacja bedzie pod katem balansu a wszyscy wiemy jak "balnas by CDPR" wyglada :D ja dopoki moge to sie nagram Scoiatelam a po patchu znowu kilka tygodni / miesiecy przerwy od gwinta no...
  14. C

    Scoia has dominated the ladder

    those who complain about ST probabluy never encoutered Nilfgard reveal or NR armor decks ....
  15. C

    Nilfgaard Reveal - What do you think?

    iam serious he is crushing peoples dreams with reveal nilfgard, and if people will copy his deck they all will crush dreams of those who doesent have the resources to meake dream crushing deck like it!
  16. C

    Nilfgaard Reveal - What do you think?

    Nilfgard too OP reveal and spy nilfgard has to be nerfed it destorys board and what i deploy is being smashed instantly. it is insane. CDPR nerf pls if you dont know what iam talking about watch lifecoach stream =)
  17. C

    [Opinie] Scoia'tael

    [Opinie] Scoia'tael w konccu *** grywalini. W koncu muligan przezywa swoj renensans, w koncu trzeba dobrze sie nakombinowac ktore karty zmuliganowac a ktore zostawic. W koncu moge grac frakcja ktora mi najbardziej odpowiada. W koncu jakis kompetytywne talie scoia.ktore wymagaja kombinowania w...
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    Old Kegs New Cards

    sdfvdsfefesgsefdsdf whos wierdo now ? :o
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    Gold Units can now be Targeted by Spells and Effects

    in my opinion those kind of changes to gold cards would have point if gold cards would have some really bad ass effects, and lets face it most of them doesent. In many cases bronze cards will be much more game changeing then gold cards that can be removed. But i guess time will tell how it all...
  20. C

    Which faction would you say is the worst off right now?

    ST obviously, worst golds in game, 0 synergy bewtween cards, overall ST was abbandoned after closed beta as it was when all other fractions did get some interesting cards and mechanics
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