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  1. R

    Monster Control Deck?

    Depends. Non-removable unites obviously always at higher priority to be buffed. Like wolfs, ekimaras, and even Nekker warriors (rarely happens that i play them even in last round. If i have to play Commander's horn, likewise i'll try to buff non-removable units most, and then nearby foglets as...
  2. R

    Monster Control Deck?

    I keep playing my foglets deck, and actualy thinking giving a break from Gwent, because i can't think of another deck i would like. In any case, my win/lose ration right now about 1.5, which is very decent IMO. It was bad only before i had enough of fog summoning cards. Right now its up 7 times...
  3. R

    Monster Control Deck?

    Oh well, no use for it then for me :P
  4. R

    Monster Control Deck?

    Btw, i was wondering. If i wold have lets say 15 foglets on round 3, all base strength 2, and there is lets say strength 10 card somewhere on the deck. Would it swap strength to only single foglet to 10, or all of them?
  5. R

    Dimeritium + Caretaker = Love

    What the point demoting Yen and play decoy on her, if you can play decoy on unicorn itself? Same thing less cards needed. And yes, opponents wouldn't be able to resurrect neither Yen nor unicorn from your graveyard that way.
  6. R

    Decoy and Locking

    Decoy not just replace your card on battlefield. it replays it. And it allows to replay even cards you normally can't replay at all. Like Yeniffer's Unicorn.
  7. R

    Any fresh ideas for Monster decks since patch? I've been running harpies

    Dagon/foglets deck pretty good. Only trick is, collecting as many cards that let you play/re-play fog as possible. Right now i have 7 ways of summoning fog, and can play it up to 7 times during match. Now it mostly feels like i can still beat weather cleaning. But if you have just 3 fogs and...
  8. R

    Let's talk about Quen Sign...

    Untill i played second ekimara, who ate first one locked, and second one have shield as well, and total +3 strength from old one ;) And lets not talk about RNR. Its broken, period :P
  9. R

    Marching order question

    Marching order question Will it strengthen only that single unite, or all its copies?
  10. R

    Why Many Players Not Giving GG

    Never GG to ppl who using RNR. They should know better using that broken card :P
  11. R

    Nekker Warrior

    Nekker warriors used to multiply foglets. Few times i managed to spawn 15 foglets on round 3.
  12. R

    Katakan useless

    Yeah, comparing to Ekimara its meh. Without resilience its just not as good.
  13. R

    Let's talk about Quen Sign...

    Quen shield is fine. I usually play it on my Ekimaras, and despite that most of the time expect them to be killed anyway. Its not about keeping my high strength Ekimara on board. Its about how many cards my opponent spend to actually kill it. And usually it quite some. So all fine.
  14. R

    Counter play against dwarves?

    Dwarves usually weakest against my Dagon/foglet swarm deck. Usually i don't even bother much completely kill those resilient dwarves. Although if i play card first, and have to chose where to play fog - against dwarves (or rather any scoatele decks) i play it on melee row... those resilient...
  15. R

    How was Vilgefortz Loyal to Nilfgaard?

    Speaking of... isn't Letho actually on run from Nilfgard after W2? Why he is allied with them?
  16. R

    Do You Play Clear Skies In Every Deck?

    With current super-broken RNR and Drought, Clear skies much more common on players' decks. When those finally will be fixed - it might get to "previous stats".
  17. R

    Imlerith's 'phrases' are really off

    Well, point is, you are about to "communicate" with your opponent that way. But all his phrases more confusing rather than helpful. His "Aaaaargh" sounds more of as he is very angry about something. "Let it be so" is more of admiring opponents nice move. And so on...
  18. R

    (Letho) Nothing special, just a 288 strength swing with couple cards

    Yep, with right circumstances on the last round i can gain 129 army strength just with 4 cards. But that happens very rarely.
  19. R

    Will there be another wipe after open beta ?

    It normally depends on how big changes gonna be done from open beta to release.
  20. R

    Imlerith's 'phrases' are really off

    Imlerith's 'phrases' are really off Like, "Thank you" = "Let it be so"?? Or worse, "Watch this" = "Aaaaaargh!!"?! o_O And "You going down" = "Stand and fight" -_- Plz change it to something more relevant...
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