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  1. Vedamir

    Gwent gamedesign problems

    I've already written about what I don't like about Gwent. Here are links to these topics: 1. Gwent That I Desire. 2. Gwent's Main Problem. 3. Make Gwent A Card Game Again. 4. Join The Light Side. It's been a while since I quit Gwent because it doesn't suit me. Now I tried to return to it. And...
  2. Vedamir

    Gwent's main problem.

    I thought of what I don't like in current Gwent, what can be changed to the better. And If you put it all together, I see the only one main problem, which destroys Gwent: developers don't respect and understand the lore. That's why the design is bad (too dark and with the lack of silver), that's...
  3. Vedamir

    [Syndicate] Remove coin mechanics

    My thoughts about anounced Syndicate faction. I don't like coins mechanic. It is an analog of HS mana. It is another extra complication to a game in addition to orders and charges. If u collect too many complications, then game will become too intricate and people will leave it. It is a mistake...
  4. Vedamir

    Gwent that I desire

    I want to share my opinion of how Gwent must look like, what a kind of game it must be to bring people fun and to bring success to you, developers. 1. Gwent’s style I had already written some thoughts of it here. Style, I think, is the main thing. Because style determines the vision of the...
  5. Vedamir

    Make Gwent a card game again!

    Gwent now is not really a card game. It is now more like strategic RPG like Heroes of Might & Magic with some card mechanics. What are the signs of a real card game? 1. Cards are swift and immediate. A moment ago card was overturned and in the next moment it is faceturned and shows u some...
  6. Vedamir

    Join the Light Side! Popularity Analysis

    Hello, community! I want to show u some simple analisys of the reasons of new Gwent “popularity”. Since Gwent Homecoming released most of people left it. Now some of them are coming back, but not so quickly as u may want. Newcomers are not the big numbers too. What is a reason? I think, that the...
  7. Vedamir

    Неправильная работа статусов прогресса.

    Неправильная работа статусов прогресса. Неправильно работают статусы прогресса в уровне, ранге и прочие. После победы или поражения сразу показывается сколько ты достиг, потом идёт откат и только теперь показывается как ты этого достиг. Как-то некрасиво это выглядит. Думаю, это все видят. То же...
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