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  1. J

    Minimum Wait Time Between New Topics

    I'd MUCH rather have an hour wait between creating threads (which is more than reasonable) than post quotas. Let's say this game gets big with thousands and thousands users and anyone who wants to use the forums like a normal person has to post 10 times before they can create a new post...
  2. J

    Please, no pro ladder

    I don't think 10-12 games per day is reasonable at all. I THINK that's what you were trying to say as well. (?)
  3. J

    Gold Units can now be Targeted by Spells and Effects

    I'm new to the game and still very confused by the Demeritium cards that demote a Gold card. What is the point? Is Dimeritium a legacy card (one that predates the Gold change) that needs to be improved or removed or is it actually there ONLY for the edge case of the 1 faction that can take...
  4. J

    What do you like about gwent.

    I like the theme and the incorporation of the theme into the art. The game has a very different aesthetic or artistic feel from other games. I like the 2 out of 3 mechanic a LOT.
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