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  1. Wuhan_Warrior

    So I just reached (pro) rank or not so pro afterall....

    I just wanna document some of my thoughts in here, just started playing this game about 3 weeks ago. As per title, I just reached pro rank with 3 homebrewed and pretty much "meme" decks meaning, not following meta at all. Playing through ranks 1-7 can be considered one of the toughest and...
  2. Wuhan_Warrior

    Pop Quiz for True NG players

    How did the ship end up in my side? (None of the units on the board died this round, meaning no sweers this round). If you can see the answer from within 3-5 seconds then you are truly a NG player- and good at it :) Anyway this deck is so fun and pretty competitive at the same time lol.
  3. Wuhan_Warrior

    I'm getting nervous playing ranked matches :(

    So I started this awesome game 2 weeks ago.... Brewed some home-made decks, 2 to be exact. Managed to reach my goal of reaching rank 7, now i'm at rank 5. The opponents are surely getting tougher with NG poison topping the list!! :( Grrrrrrrr (syndicate too, but I'm comfortable with...
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