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  1. DrunkHemplar

    So, is everybody ready for Skellige domination mark II?

    I'm just laughing right now at how awful the game has turned out, this is pretty much a case of not remembering the mistakes of the past and being doomed to repeat them. Pre HC had a lot of these issues.
  2. DrunkHemplar

    Let's talk about Coup De Grace

    Yeah but then you have to run cards that give spying lol. I mean Torturer isn't the worst card but there's better out there for the provision. In any case, you're right. Coup works on any spying target.
  3. DrunkHemplar

    MUST HAVE faster animations for 8 seconds turn!

    That's a great middle ground option; when the player is literally not in control as animations are played; the timer doesn't count down.
  4. DrunkHemplar

    Why Many Players Not Giving GG

    The only times I don't GG is if someone is clearly abusing a balance issue. I don't mean double ball or whatever, I mean NG mirror match where they spam out so many Informants and Assimilate or God forbid, viper witchers that the game is entirely stupid and lopsided. Same with Carathir...
  5. DrunkHemplar

    MUST HAVE faster animations for 8 seconds turn!

    Why not just increase turn time a little bit? go from 8 seconds to 10 seconds? Bam, problem mostly solved without bringing back those lovely people who'd grief by explicitly waiting the turn timer down every game.
  6. DrunkHemplar

    Vincent Van Moorlehem vs Veil

    Different factions are different, NG generally has few wombo combos, has more standalone cards, is themed more on control, etc. SK is more about the combo and thus, their design and provisions won't be equal. Vincent being able to instantly kill any unit with a status is good but not broken...
  7. DrunkHemplar

    Thoughts on Hen Gaidth Sword+Coup De Grace?

    Basically lets you do really imba crap with Joachim and as a backup, Roderick for consistency plays. So far, it gets...uhhh. Interesting with that level of point slam lol. I feel like I'm playing big monsters but with the perks of NG. Thoughts? Working at rank 10 so far.
  8. DrunkHemplar

    Vincent Van Moorlehem vs Veil

    If you play Ball and Vincent, as someone who does exactly this...that's a loooooot of provision used up in deck construction for 2 cards as is - which leaves less room in the deck for other powerful golds. Removing the Aristocrat tag is okay, I mean it's probably the least impactful nerf ever...
  9. DrunkHemplar

    Leveling Prestige by forfeiting in round 3. Exploit or Legit strategy ?

    Imo that wasn't a smart decision on their part, CDPR's part. Should have just been an account rollback and suspension - because now there's potentially real money that was spent and a ban which happened because of a bug in the game. NAL but I have experience with contractual law and I doubt any...
  10. DrunkHemplar

    Vincent Van Moorlehem vs Veil

    Issue is, Vincent isn't op. Most of the time he trades down provision wise. I mean, I could run several other things than Vincent and could get even bigger point swings like Yrden. The only thing Vincent has going for him that's undisuptably good is he's anti meta in the sense that everyone is...
  11. DrunkHemplar

    Vincent Van Moorlehem vs Veil

    Yeah, so far it's been everything but. Probably because it's low tempo? I mean, putting cards back in your deck, while great can backfire.
  12. DrunkHemplar

    Vincent Van Moorlehem vs Veil

    I think the issue here is that people aren't really considering the deck building implications, they see an engine being killed by a 5 point card but it's a lot more complex than just that. Each leader has provisional allowance, Vincent is not only a gold card but is 11 provision - and outside...
  13. DrunkHemplar

    Vincent Van Moorlehem vs Veil

    I think that's a decent idea but then NG will need more bleeding options. Right now they have...Hunters...and if you're using a Hunter for the bleed effect, that's usually not a good sign.
  14. DrunkHemplar

    The Problem with Nilfgaard

    I think what's really carrying them currently is a mix of 2 things. 1) Echo cards. Oneiromancy increases NG consistency to an insane degree and Coup further augments this, while easily being able to complete their Scenario in 1 turn. 2) Spies inherently play a little like unitless and unitless...
  15. DrunkHemplar

    Vincent Van Moorlehem vs Veil

    Your strategy, if you choose one of the several veil golds that boost themselves should be to bait out Vincent with a different target or accept it's just not going to get the value you want and adapt to the situation. I mean if your entire game plan hinges on 1 veil unit with an engine effect...
  16. DrunkHemplar

    Vincent Van Moorlehem vs Veil

    That's your assumption and it's totally wrong. A lot of the veil targets boost themselves one way or another to the 6+ point range. Vs NG specifically, what does this mean? It means all removal except for expensive self contained tall removal and a circumstantial Assassination are ineffective...
  17. DrunkHemplar

    Vincent Van Moorlehem vs Veil

    The only time that Vincent doesn't need setup though, is when you've provided the conditions for the effect to go off. Otherwise he needs another card to do his magic. You can replace Draug with basically any potent card, could be Ethereal+fruit tokens or anything, really. The point is, when...
  18. DrunkHemplar

    Double Ball ARISTOSPY; the new unitless! (suitable for pro play)

    Leader: Lockdown Gold: Masquerade Ball Oneiromancy Vincent Van Moorlehem Royal Decree Coup De Grace Joachim de Wett Yennefer's Invocation Assire var Anahid Roderick of Dun Tynne Artefact Compression Bronze: Assassination x2 Dancing Star Thirsty Dame x2 Tourney Joust x2 Pact Squirrel Van...
  19. DrunkHemplar

    Vincent Van Moorlehem vs Veil

    That is exactly why you don't boost veil units if you can help it vs NG specifically. Investing into a combo you know Vincent is going to counter is kind of like saying "Hmmm it's -30c outside...what happens if I lick this metal pole?" Well, yeah, something bad will happen lol. Sometimes...
  20. DrunkHemplar

    The problem with Skellige

    Oof that kind of sucks, most games I see it in one of the rounds. With the mulligan system and deck thinning options it's almost hard to not see it at least once per game.
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