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  1. maxzorazon

    Did anyone manage to run "wcc_lite.exe analyze r4game"?

    all I can get is PS C:\w3mod\The Witcher 3\bin>.\modkit\modkit_1_3\bin\x64\wcc_lite.exe analyze r4game game\witcher3.redgame -out=C:\w3mod\modkit\analyze.txt [2020.08.02 17:42:19][Error][Game] Expecting depoth path to game definition file [2020.08.02 17:42:19][Error][WCC] Analyzer tool 'r4game'...
  2. maxzorazon

    How much is uncooked with official modkit 1.3 - Witcher3 1.32 ?

    Hello, I just dicovered the official modkit (latest 1.3) and started fiddling in blender, how awesome!!! My steam W3 1.32 install content directory weighs 36.2 gigs, while my uncooked dir weighs 32.4 gigs. Has anyone figured if there are assets not uncooked? Is modkit 1.3 fully compatible with...
  3. maxzorazon

    CD PROJEKT Group market cap and financial infos

    I have been considering investing in CDPR this morning, so I dug some figures. I already missed the AMD train a few years ago, because at that time I had nothing to invest :) Talking extremely gross numbers : CDPR market capitalization is roughly 10.10^9$ - ten billion dollars. 100$ a share...
  4. maxzorazon

    CDPR could deliver even more than others opening some of their 3D models

    Everyone would benefit if game studios released a fraction of their 3D assets when launching a game. Imagine if the GoG Cyberpunk2077 goodies pack included a blender directory, with four 3D models - rigged and with few base animations : - hero - V default character M/F - weapon - Militech 9mm...
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