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  1. Dante9K

    Sunset Wanderer needs a nerf

    I feel quite the same, I found more and more pure pointslam decks with absurd points for provision cost such as Viy (easy too beat if you bleed Haunt), Lippy (hard matchup except if they don't have a good starting hand, very flexible and consistent), NG hyperthin (easy to counter with mill ofc...
  2. Dante9K

    Blightmaker is still broken

    Blightmaker is still auto-include in every NG deck, so yes, it seems kinda OP to me
  3. Dante9K

    Season of the Bear has started!

    It was fun for like 4h yesterday and now everybody is playing the same NG deck, boring as hell :D
  4. Dante9K

    Make Tokens Animated

    I'd really enjoy animated tokens, that's too bad they are not while we got so gorgeous animation for regular cards. It doesn't seem a lot of additional work :(
  5. Dante9K

    Insane Grind for Journey Cosmetics with 175 Levels?

    Wow sounds like a really big bug, but at least it answers the question of this topic, it's not insane grind if you can complete quests twice :D
  6. Dante9K

    Patchnotes 7.3

    Well, another month of Skellige, so another month playing Arena :)
  7. Dante9K

    Insane Grind for Journey Cosmetics with 175 Levels?

    Yup, I'm aware of that. I'm currently prestige 4 with ~500h of playtime so I have yet to reach this point of more RP rewards. I'm just thinking that the game is pretty generous with ore and scraps (I can make any meta decks) but that you could earn RPs more easily => the balance between the two...
  8. Dante9K

    Insane Grind for Journey Cosmetics with 175 Levels?

    I agree. I am a new player (since May 2020) and I don't really lack ore or scraps actually, but I feel I will never have enough RPs, and that in the past I could have earn more RPs while playing less (and tbh I like the game BUT I have to work, things like that, and I can't afford to play 2h+...
  9. Dante9K

    Possible issue with Contracts not updating

    Arena seems reaaaaally bugged, I just played and won one game => I got 2 victories (against the same opponent name) AND 2 free losses (!) Dat's kinda annoying :D
  10. Dante9K

    Can't load Crown Reward summary page (works fine now)

    Also a problem with arena, I win games but I remain at rank 1 of the Arena :D
  11. Dante9K

    Insane Grind for Journey Cosmetics with 175 Levels?

    I'd like it :sad:
  12. Dante9K

    Cards that look worse when animated

    I really like premium cards in general (and I hope someday tokens will be animated :() but the one I can't stand is Fauve : I find the standard version pretty cute, as dryad cards in general, but the premium is strange, something ugly about her nose and her hair. I also find Parasite very...
  13. Dante9K

    Arena is evolving

    I'm ok with the fact that Arena needs to change (Gold/Bronze picks ratio can be ridiculous depending on pure luck) BUT don't close it ! If you want to introduce a new mode, you can do it without closing Arena. At least, let it open until the new mode is ready !
  14. Dante9K

    Why Many Players Not Giving GG

    So basically you're not GGing past rank 3 ? :think:
  15. Dante9K

    Getting only Common Bronzes in Premium Journey from Mystery Cards

    Thanks for the information, I think I missed the popup but I saw it using the "New" filter :)
  16. Dante9K

    Insane Grind for Journey Cosmetics with 175 Levels?

    4 RP per level was a good incentive to buy premium Journey, I don't get why it's only 2... It feels so less rewarding now :/
  17. Dante9K

    I love Gwent

    I love the art and the universe of the Witcher, and the game mechanics are strong, I loved Gwent in TW3 and I love it as a whole game too. Besides, it helped me to kills time while I was having a hard time in the hospital so it will always remains a special game to me :)
  18. Dante9K

    Update 7.1 Patchnotes

    This please, I really like my 100% completed games :(
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