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  1. H

    Mod for Unblocking Fingers?

    TL;DR below. So I punched Fingers during the quest and now 60+ hours later, with no save to reload, I find out he sells exclusive epic and legendary cyberware that I've been wanting for a very long time. I get that CDPR wants choices to have consequences, but I feel like it's bad design in...
  2. H

    Some Known Bugs (Outdated)

    EDIT: With all the chaos around the holidays and the overwhelming number of reported bugs, I don't think I'll be able to keep up with this post any more :( Maybe someone else will take up the job with a new post This post aims to be a comprehensive list of all known bugs across all platforms...
  3. H

    Planned Patch Release Schedule? [No Spoilers Please]

    I've decided to wait to play the game until most of the immersion-breaking bugs are fixed: bugged quests, floating weapons / cigarettes / etc., broken player-character animations, missing sound effects and dialogue, V having two different dialogues playing at once, NPCs t-posing / floating /...
  4. H

    Cyberpop 2077: Did we lose the punk?

    After watching Night City Wire #4, specifically the "2077 in Style" segment, I was disappointed to see that not one of the 4 primary fashions they show looked typical of punk, or any alternative fashion for that matter. If you haven't seen it yet we have: KITSCH: Looks like more colorful modern...
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