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  1. ShalmanezerIII

    Would it be nice to face smarter enemies [better AI] ?

    I have the feeling that the AI even on hard / hardest is just very stupid. Battles after level 6-7 are not fun at all since they are easy and there is a tendency to solve most problems by just moving quickly. I feel the AI should be improved, i.e. the enemy gangsters should be kind of smarter...
  2. ShalmanezerIII

    3 things I enjoy in this game - tell me if you feel the same way

    I have already finished about 1/2 or maybe 2/3 of the main quest line, I am level 32. I sometimes become a dog for small side quests so I have not finished the game yet. I enjoy completing most of the side quests and the minimap possibilities like Assault in progress. I have shared a lot of...
  3. ShalmanezerIII

    Why are pistols so overpowered ?

    Im wondering why pistols are so OP. Machine guns are supposed to be not just bigger but also normally do more dmg per bullet. But I guess for some balance reasons the bullet from any automatic weapon /of the same quality and level/ is in fact weaker than the one from a revolver and magazine...
  4. ShalmanezerIII

    [PC] Car bug !

    It happened to me just once but it sucks. I called my car which was parked in a safe place and it was demolished and almost destroyed but still it was possible to drive it. After re-load the car was totally fine. LOL
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