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  1. --Kory--


    Mike Pondsmith on the radio in game: "....that night they could hear barking; howls in the distance. Even though they knew it had to be wild dogs, the team could barely get any sleep that night. Then just before dawn they were attacked by animals. But they weren't dogs. They were werewolves. No...
  2. --Kory--

    Boxing Is Actually Fun

    Remember Witcher 1, 2, and 3 's fist fighting? They were not that great to me, but here in CyberPunk 2077 I think CDPR are on to something. The boxing quests are engaging, the characters have different scenarios and rewards. I looked forward to each fight, as I knew it would be interesting. The...
  3. --Kory--

    Look what I found hidden under a certain tunnel

    Randomly found this when traveling back to the City. Completely free, unique and placed in a tunnel in the outskirts of the city. It's called Caliburn.
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