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  1. strangerism

    2 years have passed and the UI still has the same old issues

    It saddens me to come back here with these complaints but 2 years on and the ui it's still bugged and basic to the bone. - the first weapon slot with the perpetual "new" tag that will never disappear - no way to lock and protect iconic weapons or gear from accidental dissassembly - broad filter...
  2. strangerism

    Live sets in bar

    Well, I have been listening to some CP radios on youtube and I felt weird they didn't think to include some sort of live set or gig being played in all the bars/clubs around NC. Have on the most prominent artist in the CP radio tracks capture their performance and play it back in the game as...
  3. strangerism

    I Fought the Law [BUG]

    I am the point in the quest when I have to enter the warehouse, after you part way of detective River (since he can't follow you inside). As I approach the warehouse he tries to call me but picking up his call fails (no video and no audio), but also I can't either use my phone anymore as I have...
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