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  1. Lion_Tacos

    Ride call feature broken 1.2

    After calling 1 car, 3 car spawned in randomly all over the map. Which is visible in the mini-map. The vehicle called takes time to arrive. The randomly spawned vehicle which I own does not de-spawn.
  2. Lion_Tacos

    [BUG] Coin Operated Boy (Spoilers) v1.2

    While doing the mission Coin Operated Boy , after talking to the mechanic/shopkeeper and the (vending machine) BRENDAN, the task becomes to talk to Theo but if I wish to drive to her by bike or car my character starts going on the yellow line of the mini-map(way-point line) and the line does...
  3. Lion_Tacos

    [Bug] Mini-map not appearing properly 1.2

    By simply clicking for any overlay such as Steam or Radeon overlay this bug can be recreated. It happens sometimes but not all the time. The player icon from the mini-map disappears and some part of the map becomes a bit transparent. After few seconds the mini-map goes back to normal.
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