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  1. gorkastro

    Broken promises

    Nothing more to say
  2. gorkastro

    A mod discovers inaccessible areas of Cyberpunk 2077

    The community of modders is finding a great number of opportunities and curious discoveries in Cyberpunk 2077. It is no longer just changing a few things, or allowing the camera to reveal what the game would be like in the third person. Beyond the limits imposed in the city, there are things...
  3. gorkastro

    Missing content would be added with DLC

    Taken from a thread where supposed CDPR developer was speaking anonymously: This is still very hush hush, but I'm fed up with this s*** so I'll disclose a few details. CDPR hurt themselves to keep investors safe and sound. Now devs are hearing plans of a "No Man's Sky" style comeback due to...
  4. gorkastro

    Night City Monorail

    Monorail is implemented and some stations as well. It would be wonderful if they activated it in an upcoming DLC
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