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  1. G

    Patch 1.2 — Development Update

    Lol, just decided to release this news now? Go figure.
  2. G

    What after Cyberpunk?

    What after cyberpunk? Business close down....
  3. G

    So What Ya Expect from That PATCH 1.2 coming this month?

    Not expecting much, saves on the constant disappointment with CDPR.
  4. G

    Where is the news for 1.2 ?

    Even if they did release an announcement I wouldn't pay too much attention until AFTER downloading it. Not exactly a trustworthy company.
  5. G

    Should Cyberpunk 2077 go open source?

    Too late 😆 :p
  6. G

    You're playing this game wrong!

    Not worried about anything. I'm just not playing it until it's a little more polished.
  7. G

    Why missing Cinematic/3rd person Cutscenes is THE biggest flaw

    You're right. The half-arsed combat, lack of immersion, horrid driving mechanics, and all around lack of polish and updates are nowhere near as important as the cutscenes.
  8. G

    You're playing this game wrong!

    ....not playing it at all until CDPR (or hackers) fix it.
  9. G

    Is this game an rpg?

    Dunno what it's supposed to be. Aside from incomplete of course.
  10. G

    (PC) Graphical Bug with Trees/Foliage

    Lol, might as well add that one to the mind-numbingly long list of things that need fixin'
  11. G

    How is this game after 2 months still unplayable and with visual features still broken, bugs?

    Still as buggy as my first apartment. They've released a few minor fixes but nothing really noticeable.
  12. G

    What games are you looking forward to?

    Anything NOT from CDPR
  13. G

    Petition Against Cyberpunk Multiplayer.

    Heck, this is one petition I'd sign. Don't need to shoehorn MP crap into this game.
  14. G

    Panam story gameplay

    Lol, yeah, must be a figment of my imagination.
  15. G

    Panam story gameplay

    Just went through Panam's storyline and I was blown away at the horrible execution of the entire thing. Bugs everywhere, slipping and sliding off rocks, being launched 30 feet in the air for no reason, laughable collision detection and probably the most underdeveloped combat sequences so far...
  16. G

    Hotfix 1.11

    It's actually so bad it's humorous....
  17. G

    Boxing Is Actually Fun

    Anything to do with melee is horribly executed.
  18. G

    ESSENTIAL FEATURES that still MISSING on patch 1.1

    Basic physics are also missing. Or do those laws not apply in the city?
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