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  1. Zetta666

    Crowd Reaction - Weather

    Now that patch 1.5 has been out for some days (and I'm loving every minute of it!) I came to realization that when it rains/pours V and rest of the people in Night City just ignores it and goes about business as usual. Would crowd reaction to weather be a thing? Like putting on a rain coat...
  2. Zetta666

    T-Bug Really... ? (Spoilers)

    Something is bugging me about this whole thing. In the heist at Konpeki Placa when the trio is doing their final prep with the Flathead (in their snazzy suite) "Jackie: Bug? How're you doin' on time? V: You there, Bug? T-Bug: Yeah, yeah, I'm here. Soooo listen, ICE is thicker than I thought...
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