1080p, DLSSq, Framegen\mod fixes all...

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I have a 3070, 5800x3D, and 32gb.

I, flat out, get none of the major fps dips in Novigrad at all. Its almost like they dont even try to start!

My normal setup is 1440p, DLSSp, Maxed everything with performance RT and the perf rt ini mod. This USED to work fine (after several patches). I had this thoroughly tested months, patches, and driver versions back. I was able to play fine, and Novigrad always recovered from fps drops.

Fast forward to today, I revisit the game and everything is like it was. Absolutely nothing I try... mods, lowering settings in game, fps caps, driver fps caps, driver texture settings, etc... Nothing worked, the chop always would come within five minutes, and the game simply wouldnt recover (I swear it used to) and remain a stuttering mess dropping from 90fps to "50 fps" skipping with FG on.

Turn on 1080p in game? Everything works 70+fps no drops. Quality RT. No mods. DLSSq (only looks slightly blurry compared to 1440p DLSSp). Everything is smooth as butter, all the time. Tested for an hour. FG mod is a must!

Now some interesting findings: NiS set at 75 percent would be the equivalent of 1080p right? Well it looks WAY worse than native in game 1080p, AND it gets the stutter. Its almost like this game is programmed specifically to fail at a certain point, or something else sus conspiracy whatever... thats how its acting.

To continue on, every once in a while, when I try switching from 1080p in game back to 1440p DLSSp... its fine! I can feel a relatively lower input latency, leading me to believe something else is going on... but at this same time the chop does NOT start. No fps caps. Nothing. It doesn't hit the high that it typically would start out at, but it doesnt start that "chop" (sus non recovery).

Reason I post this is because I know people are still having problems. This is a sure fix for this (for me at least, no question), despite having to run at a non-native resolution. I do not drop below 75fps at any point in Novigrad, and it doesn't look THAT bad vs 1440p DLSSp. Maybe somehow this information, observation scales to higher end setups?

Regardless... there is something not right with this game. I can go in and out of menus no problem too... its like the skipping doesnt even try to start!
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