Before the update I played the maingame to a certain moment and started with Phantom Liberty so I'm not finisched with the maingame. And played it with a lot of mods.
Before updating I deinstalled every mod and deleted it within Nexus Vortex.
I updated the game wanted to start it without any mods and now my Savegame is broken AF. It doesn't matter which savegame I want to load nothing works the game just crashes. 114h are gone!
Is there any way trough console commands or a mod to start a new game and finish missions with a command and get all the stuff you get trough out the mission many and so on?
Or do I really need to play every mission I played again?
It's such a bummer if I wouldn't make Youtube videos I wouldn't care so much but for the progress of the Lets Play it's very difficult to get it probably like the same! :/
Does anybody know a solution or something like that?
Il try to buy the game on steam downgrade it to the last version the savegame is and place it to the steam savegame forlder but I don't think that will work!
Before updating I deinstalled every mod and deleted it within Nexus Vortex.
I updated the game wanted to start it without any mods and now my Savegame is broken AF. It doesn't matter which savegame I want to load nothing works the game just crashes. 114h are gone!
Is there any way trough console commands or a mod to start a new game and finish missions with a command and get all the stuff you get trough out the mission many and so on?
Or do I really need to play every mission I played again?
It's such a bummer if I wouldn't make Youtube videos I wouldn't care so much but for the progress of the Lets Play it's very difficult to get it probably like the same! :/
Does anybody know a solution or something like that?
Il try to buy the game on steam downgrade it to the last version the savegame is and place it to the steam savegame forlder but I don't think that will work!