114hours savegame destroyed after updating to patch 2.2

Before the update I played the maingame to a certain moment and started with Phantom Liberty so I'm not finisched with the maingame. And played it with a lot of mods.
Before updating I deinstalled every mod and deleted it within Nexus Vortex.
I updated the game wanted to start it without any mods and now my Savegame is broken AF. It doesn't matter which savegame I want to load nothing works the game just crashes. 114h are gone!

Is there any way trough console commands or a mod to start a new game and finish missions with a command and get all the stuff you get trough out the mission many and so on?
Or do I really need to play every mission I played again?

It's such a bummer if I wouldn't make Youtube videos I wouldn't care so much but for the progress of the Lets Play it's very difficult to get it probably like the same! :/

Does anybody know a solution or something like that?
Il try to buy the game on steam downgrade it to the last version the savegame is and place it to the steam savegame forlder but I don't think that will work!
One, painful, option is to try reinstalling the mods and then if the saves are still borked try uninstalling the mods one by one in case any particular mod is incompatible with the update or hasn't been updated yet.

Regarding rolling back, I don't know if rolling back the version would work but, if you tried the above and it didn't work, reinstalling the mods having rolled back it would be worth a shot. It's very unlikely simply rolling back the version will make the game work WITHOUT any of the mods installed because the mods will have affected your save files.

But presumably you have a higher chance of it working if you roll back using the game store you bought the game with. My understanding (which may be wrong) is that you can roll back versions on steam and gog, but not epic. Did you buy it on epic?

Sorry that it's a bit of a tangent from what you actually asked. I don't have a direct answer to your question of whether a mod or console command exists to skip missions.
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Eine mühsame Möglichkeit besteht darin, die Mods erneut zu installieren. Wenn das Speichern dann immer noch nicht funktioniert, können Sie versuchen, die Mods einzeln zu deinstallieren, falls ein bestimmter Mod mit dem Update nicht kompatibel ist oder noch nicht aktualisiert wurde.

Was das Zurücksetzen betrifft, weiß ich nicht, ob das Zurücksetzen der Version funktionieren würde, aber wenn Sie das oben genannte versucht haben und es nicht funktioniert hat, wäre es einen Versuch wert, die Mods nach dem Zurücksetzen neu zu installieren. Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass das Spiel durch einfaches Zurücksetzen der Version OHNE installierte Mods funktioniert, da die Mods Ihre Sicherungsdateien beeinträchtigt haben.

Aber vermutlich ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit höher, dass es funktioniert, wenn Sie das Rollback über den Spiele-Store durchführen, bei dem Sie das Spiel gekauft haben. Meines Wissens (was falsch sein kann) können Sie Versionen bei Steam und Gog zurücksetzen, aber nicht bei Epic. Haben Sie es bei Epic gekauft?

Tut mir leid, dass das ein bisschen von Ihrer eigentlichen Frage abweicht. Ich habe keine direkte Antwort auf Ihre Frage, ob es einen Mod oder Konsolenbefehl zum Überspringen von Missionen gibt.
I tried this before with the mods but it didn't worked. I manage to load a savegame at 60h but still not the result I want.

Yes, I bought the game in the Epic Game Store so because of that I bought it now by Steam downgraded it and managed to load a savegame that is almost there where I was. I updatet the game to 2.2 and still could load it, saved it at the 2.2 Version and now I try to install it in the Epic Games Store again and try it there so I can give the Steam Version back and hopefully it works like that!
Yeah, for me you have two way to keep playing.
Either rollback your game which is quite easy on Steam & GOG and then, reinstalling all your mods. In short, rolling back exactly like the game was before updating it.
Either let the game in 2.2, verify each mod you used before is compatible with the 2.2 and reinstall them all (also cross your fingers it will work).

One thing I pretty sure, it's continuing your "modded" playthrough without mod is not really an option. You will likely encounter a lot of issue anyway.

Edit : Ok so on Epic, I don't think you can rollback your game... If you plan to buy the game again, honestly, you should buy it on GOG, way better store. No DRM, you can roll back any game easy as pie, disable updates, download offline installers and so on ;)
Ja, für mich gibt es zwei Möglichkeiten, weiterzuspielen.
Führen Sie entweder ein Rollback Ihres Spiels durch, was bei Steam & GOG ganz einfach ist, und installieren Sie anschließend alle Ihre Mods neu. Kurz gesagt: Führen Sie ein Rollback genau in den Zustand vor der Aktualisierung durch.
Lassen Sie das Spiel entweder in 2.2, überprüfen Sie, ob alle zuvor verwendeten Mods mit 2.2 kompatibel sind, und installieren Sie sie alle neu (drücken Sie auch die Daumen, dass es klappt).

Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass es keine wirkliche Option ist, Ihr „modifiziertes“ Durchspielen ohne Mod fortzusetzen. Sie werden wahrscheinlich sowieso auf viele Probleme stoßen.

Edit: Ok, also bei Epic, ich glaube nicht, dass du dein Spiel zurücksetzen kannst... Wenn du vorhast, das Spiel nochmal zu kaufen, solltest du es ehrlich gesagt bei GOG kaufen, das ist ein viel besserer Store. Kein DRM, du kannst jedes Spiel kinderleicht zurücksetzen, Updates deaktivieren, Offline-Installer herunterladen und so weiter.;)
So hat es geklappt!
Ich hatte im Grunde keine großen Mods, die das Gameplay oder ähnliches verändern. Hauptsächlich nur visuelle Dinge. Sollte also kein Problem sein.
Aber trotzdem danke Jungs

Issue solved!
Please avoid switching between languages. If you want to post something, please do it in English.
Please avoid switching between languages. If you want to post something, please do it in English.
Oh I only speak English. I was joking that the people in this thread are talking about a subject that is beyond my understanding. I only play consoles and I am clueless about how computers work. So all their back and forth about mods, etc is baffling. I guess I shouldn't have commented my bad.
Oh I only speak English. I was joking that the people in this thread are talking about a subject that is beyond my understanding. I only play consoles and I am clueless about how computers work. So all their back and forth about mods, etc is baffling. I guess I shouldn't have commented my bad.
wasent pointing to you :)
Before the update I played the maingame to a certain moment and started with Phantom Liberty so I'm not finisched with the maingame. And played it with a lot of mods.
Yea that will happend unless you update the mods after a patch, saves are always in danger when you choose to use mods since CDPR has nothing to do with them. This game is also quite "old" so every patch more and more mods become obsolete due to them not beeing updated.
Depends very much on the mod.
Pure visual mods are harmless.
Mods that add new items (like clothing) can cause crashes if the item is equipped or used as visual appearance in the save game.
Mods that change fundamental mechanics (like adding several concurrent cyberdecks) are a big risk.

I had used a lot of mods before Phantom Liberty, then made a clean reinstall when PL came out and played it without mods. Worked fine with my old savegame except for some minor residues, like some Polish dialog options because I had romanced Kerry as female. :)
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