2 issues with Achievements on gog that bother me

2 issues with Achievements on gog that bother me

First of all: I think it's a problem with The Witcher 3 and not with gog itself, that's why I'm writing that down here:

1.) I finished the game the 3rd time and decided to do some achievements. Most things get unlocked (like having all abilities in one tree), but I just tried to kill 20 cows and I don't get the achievement. Either it's a bug, because HoS is finished, or it has something to do that it is a "Secret Achievement" and it's bugged?!

2.) Secret Achievements, were made to avoid spoilers (I believe), though after finiishing the whole game, I would love to see the actual text in gog galaxy. Right now, I have to go to google and search for my missing achievements, since they won't show up on gog Galaxy, no idea if Steam has the same "problem".

So how about a little opition to show/hide secret achievements?
Title changed -- it made this sound like an arbitrary discussion, but these are tech issues. Have you contacted CDPR Support about them?
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