20 new cards every two months, how do you get them?

It really depends what these adventures are. If it's just what the current challenges are - I doubt anyone would be willing to pay for that.
If it's something with cutscenes, proper storyline with voiceover, etc. etc - I wouldn't mind paying €.

In either case - I really hope that they're not going for this 20/month idea. It really sounds like something that would be tedious to unlock (or should I say: grind) while constantly meddling with meta for no good reason. I like games that evolve, but there really should be some breaks where I can just enjoy content, without constantly being worried about unlocking the next big thing...
DMaster2;n8793460 said:
If your plan is to make this game die on the spot, it's a good idea.

While I don't think it would kill the game right then and there, locking potentially powerful cards behind a paywall, in a F2P game, is a big mistake. They'll probably keep the current system, with maybe adding expansion packs for more ore than regular kegs.
Snake_Foxhounder;n8797580 said:
While I don't think it would kill the game right then and there, locking potentially powerful cards behind a paywall, in a F2P game, is a big mistake. They'll probably keep the current system, with maybe adding expansion packs for more ore than regular kegs.
It would drive away most of the f2p population, which is the majority (as for any f2p game out there). It would literally kill the game in the long run.
erzad;n8785030 said:
How do you know there will be 20 new cards every 2 month?When did they announced it?

It was said several times on reddit past few months and

on Pax East last march by the director

On the beginning of the challenger, I am sure the blond woman said that once again.

And also cdpr's intention to have 500 cards by the end of the year.
pbsk8;n8798200 said:
It was said several times on reddit past few months and

on Pax East last march by the director

On the beginning of the challenger, I am sure the blond woman said that once again.

And also cdpr's intention to have 500 cards by the end of the year.

500 cards, hope they will increase the commons and not golden and silvers...
I'm curious what the combined scrap value of the new cards will be and if it's realistic to craft them from scraps you played for during the two months while continuing to fill in the gaps of the collection overall. Thing is i've already bought plenty of kegs and i don't intend to buy more anytime soon. I would be willing maybe to buy 60 kegs per year in order to keep up but not more.

Good idea to deal with this would be if cards get blacklisted from your keg drops after you owned them for 6 months or so already.
CaptainGen;n8778530 said:
On the other hand, 20 cards are not enough for 'Expansion-Kegs'.

I think there is a solution. In 'Expansion-Kegs' 1 out of 3 cards from which we choose will be guaranteed to be Expansion-Card.
Well you need to consider season rewards here, and the fact that passed a while you'll have a lot of cards to mill from kegs. You'll probably be able to craft right away all the cards pertaining to the faction you usually play with little problems if you play regularly. If you don't, then you're still getting cards you don't have from kegs anyway, so not a problem either.
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