A little help when trying to create a simple mod.

I'm sorry if this isn't the correct place to post this. I'm trying to create a simple mod that changes the radius of Yarden based on sign intensity.
I'm trying to find what changes I should do to make it so. I was looking around in the game scripts.

I found the Yarden effect in gameplay\effects\effects\skill\yrdenHealthDrain.ws but this code only about the constant health drain Yarden does with some of the upgrades.

I also found in gameplay\items\spells\yrdenEntity.ws a function called GetSignStats():

    protected function GetSignStats()
        var chargesAtt, trapDurationAtt : SAbilityAttributeValue;
        chargesAtt = owner.GetSkillAttributeValue(skillEnum, 'charge_count', false, true);
        trapDurationAtt = owner.GetSkillAttributeValue(skillEnum, 'trap_duration', false, true);
        baseModeRange = CalculateAttributeValue( owner.GetSkillAttributeValue(skillEnum, 'range', false, true) );
        trapDurationAtt += owner.GetActor().GetTotalSignSpellPower(skillEnum);
        trapDurationAtt.valueMultiplicative -= 1;  
        charges = (int)CalculateAttributeValue(chargesAtt);
        trapDuration = CalculateAttributeValue(trapDurationAtt);

It seems that the variable baseModeRange is of interest to me, and that owner.GetActor().GetTotalSignSpellPower(skillEnum); queries for the current spell power, so I could add:
    protected function GetSignStats()
      var rangeBonus float;
      rangeBonus = owner.GetActor().GetTotalSignSpellPower(skillEnum)
      baseModeRange += rangeBonus

However, I'm not sure in what units sign intensity and range are measured. Also, It seems that baseModeRange is afloat but I'm not sure what type the intensity is. For example here:
trapDurationAtt += owner.GetActor().GetTotalSignSpellPower(skillEnum);
trapDurationAtt is SAbilityAttributeValue

I'd really like some help figuring this out, thanks.
your overthinking this, I believe.

this is the location where the range is set (it gets the constant value from the xml in fact)
baseModeRange = CalculateAttributeValue( owner.GetSkillAttributeValue(skillEnum, 'range', false, true) );

BaseModeRange is a float, so really all you need to to is to multiply that base value (look it up in the xml) with a factor dependent on the sign power. You already found how to get the sign power stat, the rest is a bit convoluted but easy.
As you already said, "GetTotalSignSpellPower" returns a "SAbilityAttributeValue", which is defined like so: (types.ws)

import struct SAbilityAttributeValue
    import saved var valueAdditive : float;
    import saved var valueMultiplicative : float;
    import saved var valueBase : float;

The game often uses these structs and does math with those 3 properties, for example to get a float out of it this is used:
function CalculateAttributeValue(att : SAbilityAttributeValue, optional disallowNegativeMult : bool) : float

    if(disallowNegativeMult && att.valueMultiplicative < 0)
        att.valueMultiplicative = 0.001;
    return att.valueBase * att.valueMultiplicative + att.valueAdditive;

You see, it simply takes the base value as, well, base and adds the additive (times the multiplicative) value.

so in the end, your code could look like this: (in yrdenEntity.ws: GetSignStats() function )
var yrdenSignPower : float;
var customMultiplier : float;


baseModeRange = CalculateAttributeValue( owner.GetSkillAttributeValue(skillEnum, 'range', false, true) );
yrdenSignPower = CalculateAttributeValue(owner.GetActor().GetTotalSignSpellPower(skillEnum));

//COMMENT: change below to your liking and preferred math
customMultiplier = 1;
baseModeRange = baseModeRange * customMultiplier * yrdenSignPower;

how you calculate the scaling of your range is up to you (exponential, linear etc. ) Make sure you know what values yrdenSignPower can get too - I'm not sure off the top of my head. One easy method to display values in game is through a custom exec function (you can put them anywhere in global scope): for example:

exec function DisplayYrdenSignPower()
var yrdenSignPower : float;
var skillEnum : ESkill;

skillEnum = S_Magic_3;
yrdenSignPower = CalculateAttributeValue(GetWitcherPlayer().GetTotalSignSpellPower(skillEnum));
theGame.GetGuiManager().ShowNotification("yrdenSignPower: " + yrdenSignPower);

This function displays your sign power as a pop up in-game when you type in "DisplayYrdenSignPower" in the debug console.
Hope that helps :D
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