A Night To Remember CGI trailer.

I went looking for the Polish version and found it was the same as the English but with Polish subtitles:

"W gęstwie wilk u śiony leży
Wiatr kołysze nietoperze
Tylko ty jedna nie śpisz, strachem zdjęta
Bo cie dręczy upiór, ghul, wiedźma prazeklęta

Ptaki milkną o zachodzie
śpi już bydło w zagrodzie
Tylko ty jedna nie śpisz, strachem zdjęta
Bo wiedźmin cię dopadnie i spęta
Za trzos złota obetnie główkę, rączęta
Pokroi na kawałki, na okruszki
Nie zostanie nic z mej duszki
Przydie wiedźmin i cię zje

I cię zje"

There might be mistakes because I do not speak Polish.

Nice, it sounds more poetic in Polish TBH.

It sounds a little like those folk lullabies of old that mothers used to sing to their children when they didn't want to fall asleep. So they tried to scare them with some mythical monsters coming to eat or kidnap them if they don't behave themselves.

The Polish version is also a little more graphic:

The Witcher will catch you and tie you
Cut off your little head and your little arms for a pouch of gold
Cut you into pieces, small crumbs
Nothing will be left of my little soul
The Witcher will come and eat you whole.

Eat you whole
Vampires don't mind silver particularly. Geralt is only using a silver bomb to make her visible not to harm her... that comes from the black blood.

You may remember Regis agreeing with his interlocutor at the feast, about how Vampires can't go near silver.... while holding a silver fork and eating from silver plates.
Damn CDPRs! I should prepare a release and instead I'm hooked to the trailer, its force, soundtrack, beauty!!!!!!
May you live long and prosper!
Great CGI Trailer. Had goosebumps through the whole thing. But...... my Geralt in game surely won't kill that pretty lady. ;)
@Marcin Momot confirmed that this launch trailer is made of IN-GAME footage and all those graphical settings will be available at launch on all platforms.
@Kinley, I think he was (unnecessarily) being ironic we all know about what.

As for the trailer I can't tell how unbelievably amazing it was. Pretty weird that latest trailers aren't made by Platige Images though.
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1. How did she parry the silver sword strike?
2. What did Geralt take as a trophy?

1. High vampires are very resistant. Silver doesn't hurt them really (Regis demonstrated it by eating with a silver fork).
2. My guess - nothing. Geralt decided to spare her (and go without the reward).
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defenitly one of the best CGIs ever (and i have seen a lot the past years ;) ). can´t wait for tuesday! :yes:
I was thinking, even if I didn't play games I'd still buy yours because of this. Thank you for getting me excited again, CDPR. I thought I was getting too old for that. This is capturing the essence and telling that story as it deserves at it's best.
Now I wanted to play the game on the hardest difficulty to have every fight against a boss monster this challenging and exhausting.

Risking his life again and again to get a living, spending the earned bugs for his regeneration and keeping his gear in good condition/refilling his supply of potions. It really resembles the witcher lifestyle, Geralts lifestyle.
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